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[Serious] One of the strongest YGO monsters of 2017, apparently


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Read the article then return to here for theorising and the like.

I personally think that it's going to be a non-effect monster. It does after all give us an empty space where the effect text is supposed to be, and non-effect monsters were indeed conceptualised long ago. I have no idea why a non-effect monster would be considered particularly powerful however.


What do you think?

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While it will probably be a non-effect monster, I doubt it will truly do nothing.


To me, his "blank slate" is referring more to it being capable of "anything, ie, his focus on imagination at the end.


Thus, my theory is it will be a Normal monster with the condition whose name is treated as every monster's name while on the field, or perhaps anywhere except the deck.


It would be a new member of every archetype, thus fulfilling his stating he's come up with new decks that could utilize it frequently; it's another name for X deck. It would be especially good for Fusion summoning, but there would be many other applications for having a Normal Summonable Stardust Dragon, Dark Magician, Blue-Eyes White Dragon, etc.

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I think the "infinite possibilities" thing is just stating that a blank slate is exactly that before the process of creation takes place.

Though this and other things out there have been making me think that Zarc's anime-form which unifies multiple mechanics in one might just be a sample of a bigger recurring theme for the 6th series. Maybe they'll start making cards that are 2 colors, like Synchro/Fusion which can be either Synchro Summoned or Fusion Summoned, or things of that nature.


After all, Yugioh 6 had the description of not letting oneself be overwhelmed by information. Now, not ALL combinations would necessarily be possible, but just a thought I think could become a thing.

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