Sleepy Posted January 4, 2017 Report Share Posted January 4, 2017 Well, I guess for something more in-theme with the thread... These are tame little things but might get a laugh out of somebody:When I was a kid, I used to be somewhat of a bully towards my younger brother.Like, not really with the intent of harming him but I still always ended up doing so, and the reason for it ending wrong is that his evasive maneuvers were just so incredibly stupid that nowadays even he laughs at it in embarrassment when I remind him of it. I tried throwing a fake punch at his face this one time, and he tried to dodge by moving to the front, resulting in the punch connecting. How can one make excuses for that kind of development? "but mom, but he punched himself with my fist"... I was grounded. There was this other time I pushed him, but I pushed him with the knowledge the door behind him was closed, and he bounced off of it a second or two and on the third bounce the door opened and he fell on the pavement of the backyard on his back.[spoiler=Then there was the scares] -I once put on a Halloween mask as he was closing the front door and ran towards him when his back was turned, making scary noises. He noticed me through the mirror beside him and let out a scream because the way my movement and sound appeared in the mirror mimicked certain enemies in Resident Evil as they approached the player from the TV's view. -This other time I made an operation out of sliding the room of his bedroom and tip toeing towards his bed to get under it. I didn't just get in from the side though. He was sleeping facing that direction and I didn't want him to catch me on the floor right when he opened his eyes, so I went full caterpillar from the back (where the feet are) into under the bed and waited around half an hour. When he woke up I grabbed his legs as soon as he got them into the floor getting out of bed. He went out running downstairs, only to come back half-laughing and half-pissed off about it. -Another time I turned off the lights a couple minutes before he entered the house and turned on a red lantern in front of me as a quick scare He froze for a split second, instinctively took off his backpack and threw it at me, and ran off to the kitchen yelling my name. It hurt a lot but it was totally worth it. -He once enclosed himself in a closet we have at the living room, and fully expected me to be right in front of there when he opened it up. However, I had grabbed fake-eyes (those toy ones one buys for hand-made miscellaneous arts and stuff) and put them on top of mine. Mid sentence into "I knew you were the one knocking" his voice and expression delayed from bored to scared for the surprise. I had a hiccup attack from laughing at him. -A few times I also scared him as he went out the bathroom more like a screamer popping up. A bit too many for something specific to recall. -More so when he expected me to be at a certain room on the hall and having me jump from another place. A few times in the past he went into my room to visit me just to make sure I was not somewhere else trying to surprise him from some corner. The thing is that IRL most people I coexist with have trouble hearing my walking. Be it family or friends, if I change from one side of somebody to the other as we walk by very rarely do other people notice, and this isn't something I do on purpose... that's just how I walk. This one time downtown I had a friend IRL yell "Come on!! Where the f*ck are you!?" turning to both directions. Most of my family has been scared by accident by me when I suddenly appear besides them and they think they were alone.... Not even trying. In fact, I often try to make noise so that it doesn't happen, and it doesn't always work.I'm going in a tangent there... back to the topic...My brother became paranoid of me at some point due to these things. One night all the family was watching a movie, and I was just getting to the side of the sofa to lean on the wall against it with a bowl of cereal. My brother was just in front of me sitting on the sofa, and discretely gave glances at me a few times without really turning. I didn't mind him since I was actually just watching TV. He then suddenly lifted his arms towards me as if trying to get something off my hands. Surely enough he did manage to steal my bowl of cereal before I could react even if he didn't have any idea of what he had just grabbed. His movement had him put on the bowl face down as a hat, covering him in Lucky Charms and lots of milk. Time slowed down that time, and it was pretty clear how he changed from a triumphant "GATCHA!" face to his smile slowly turning upside down and him running back to his room crying.I was grounded (again) and had to clean the mess...He also once tried to hit me with a piece of cloth we use to clean dust off the living room. The cloth went across the bar between the kitchen and the living room and grabbed a cookie jar with the shape of a cat as it retracted back towards him, knocking it down and breaking it. He ran off to lock himself in his room half-crying as he expected the punishment, but me being the one that stood there was the one that got the treatment of cleaning up and being yelled at. Happenings like that where I'd start up fainting actions and he'd end up completing them making me the culprit of things over time would make my pranks escalate, to the point where I rarely treated him nicely anymore. My patience grew thinner with him and remained like that for probably a year and a half or so of our lives. Mind you, we still didn't openly have an "I hate you" relationship, but we grew up to be a bit more on each other's throats.One day I asked for his binder to see what drawings of his I would stumble upon (all three of us siblings are relatively good at drawing, with my big sister owning us on it) and somewhere among the pile I noticed a sort of "collage of your life" where my name appeared in a corner under the picture of a dinosaur hitting something. The way our reactions had been going at that point in our lives, it was about the time for him to expect a punch out of me somewhere and for him to give another back, both half-joking but with serious throws... but my actual reaction was very different: I just froze in silence not knowing what to say about it. I gave him the sheet and we went our separate ways for homework and whatnot. I remember still at night I was reflecting on that, and realized I had let things escalate a bit too much, and I was barely his friend anymore but more of a bully.From then on I never really touched him again, and he even pushed me a couple times during that year, only to be put off by my not reacting as bratty as he thought I would. Nowadays we still kind of prank each other and push each other around, but we are not kids anymore and know our strength and how to get along like siblings without having it escalate, in fact I think he pushes me around more than I do him. Still, people look at the three of us and tell us we get along abnormally well for brothers/sisters. People I know IRL usually tells me they don't really get along with their siblings, and that they fight a lot and are surprised with our lack of fighting among ourselves... Oh if they knew what's behind us xDBut yeah, I was kind of an ass with my little bro. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
(GigaDrillBreaker) Posted January 4, 2017 Report Share Posted January 4, 2017 Not really a specific event, but I'm kinda incredibly rude to people who aren't my close friends. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaiji Posted January 6, 2017 Report Share Posted January 6, 2017 Not watching Keijo!!!!!!!! or The Wire Constantly asserting pucci and joshu did nothing wrong Using @everyone around 2 AM just to say "who up" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Johan Liebert Posted January 7, 2017 Report Share Posted January 7, 2017 A few years ago (about two years ago), I was going through a lot of sheet. I was self-harming (which is already one of the worst things I've ever done), medications were immensely funking me up, and everything going on made me turn into someone that wasn't truly "me". During this time, I had become friends with a past bully (the friendship kind of started because he apparently saw me as a bully, which was complete bullshit). Now, he didn't bully me that badly, so anything he did in the past wasn't influencing my actions; I've never thought of getting "revenge" on anyone and I'm truly incapable of hating anyone. He was very suicidal and he was a huge attention-seeker (and him acting upon these things was hurting some of my closets friends at the time). Anyway, I was pretty much the only one he could go to. He trusted me with everything, including his life. His parents (both of them) had sent me messages through FaceBook at the time; his father said that I was a "blessing" to his son's life and that he was the luckiest person in the world to have a friend like me, and his mom said pretty much the same thing. He was dating one of my closest female friends. At around March of 2015, her and I began sexting (and they were still together at the time) and we had planned to have sex in one of my high school's bathrooms. The suicidal friend I've been talking about, at least for the duration of our friendship, didn't know that I was doing this behind his back (although I'm sure he found out later on). At the time I was sexting his girlfriend, he was still only going to me for help on everything and I was still the only person he truly trusted. After his girlfriend and I ended up not having sex, one of my other closest female friends and I were hanging out at the park near my house. She was also dating one of my friends at the time, and I groped her while she'd play games on my iPad (she gave me permission). Oh, and about a week after this, I had my first real relationship and I was probably the worst boyfriend ever (I wasn't sure of who I truly liked at the time, so I'd mention all of the people I might like/the ones who might like me, her and I argued a lot, and I more or less semi-traumatized her by being so horrible in these ways). Oh, and I thought I had a split-personality (this probably stemmed from how the medications were funking me up), and it took over and asked my closest female friend for sex. So basically the entirety of the Spring of 2015 was a bundle of the worst things I've ever done. A few days before I broke up with my girlfriend at the time (this was the day after I came back from a crisis center and had been told I'd be forced to go to inpatient for like six months, even though I wasn't in danger anymore), I met my to-be fiancé over FaceBook, and even though her and I had a rocky start to our relationship, we've been together for over eighteen months and she's the best fiancé ever and there's truly no chance of us ever leaving the other. After all of the sheet I had gone through for nearly a decade, I lucked out and found the best thing to ever happen to my life. I want to re-state that all of the horrible sheet I did during that Spring wasn't "me". That was never who I truly was, and it was a time where I was a horrible person (for about two months). The things I did during those times are easily some of my biggest mistakes and some of the worst things I've ever done. Anyone who knows me now and didn't know me at the time could never imagine me doing anything even remotely that bad, and despite how I feel about myself, I'd never do anything like that again, either. My fiancé knows all of this and so much more, yet she never judged me for any of it and has always loved me more than anyone else ever could. She's made me truly happy and I wouldn't be here today had I never met her and been together with her. Just to throw this out there, I'm almost eighteen and she's almost sixteen; the age difference bothered me at first, but it doesn't matter to me now, especially because she's more mature than most people my age. I know that us being each other's fiancé at this age may seem silly and arguably "immature", but I'd never say we were that official for life unless it was true (and miraculously, it is). Anyway, there you go. That's a bundle of the worst things I've ever done. I wouldn't blame anyone if they judge me for this, but just know that it was a stupid phase and I was never truly that person to begin with. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rapidfire Posted January 15, 2017 Report Share Posted January 15, 2017 I was born. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~ P O L A R I S ~ Posted January 16, 2017 Report Share Posted January 16, 2017 ^Pretty sure you weren't the one to do that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryusei the Morning Star Posted January 16, 2017 Report Share Posted January 16, 2017 On 1/16/2017 at 3:49 AM, Polar Ice said: ^Pretty sure you weren't the one to do that.Your answer should be updated to "diglett porn" Sicko! Jk ILU Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaiji Posted January 16, 2017 Report Share Posted January 16, 2017 who up Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~ P O L A R I S ~ Posted January 16, 2017 Report Share Posted January 16, 2017 On 1/16/2017 at 3:54 AM, White said: Your answer should be updated to "diglett porn" Sicko! Jk ILU No Digletts were harmed in the making of that video. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryusei the Morning Star Posted January 16, 2017 Report Share Posted January 16, 2017 On 1/16/2017 at 4:45 AM, Polar Ice said: No Digletts were harmed in the making of that video. We both know what happened to the digletts after the jesuits got a hold of your porn folder smh RIP Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~ P O L A R I S ~ Posted January 16, 2017 Report Share Posted January 16, 2017 On 1/16/2017 at 4:45 AM, White said: We both know what happened to the digletts after the jesuits got a hold of your porn folder smh RIP "Rest in Pokéballs" indeed, for that is where they are resting. <_<>_> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~~~~ Posted January 16, 2017 Report Share Posted January 16, 2017 On 1/15/2017 at 11:35 PM, Rapidfire said: I was born. supra edjy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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