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following last year's thread being locked fashionably late, this time let's have the thread be made fashionably late as well.


post a new year resolution, lock this thread in 3~ days, check back after a year to see how you've done. and post anything else you want to say to yourself in a year's time too.





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Dear future Sakura (or whatever you end up changing name to at the end), 


By the time you read this, hopefully you've at least gotten much closer to graduating with a degree in civil engineering (and not having to spend more time than needed). Hopefully the United States hasn't devolved into chaos under the new administration and everything's still in one piece.


Hopefully you get more active in posting stuff in your own section and deal with everything that you wanted to do for the year. 


Best wishes and cya. 

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Don't normally do these...buuuuut why the hell not xD


So listen Future Sonic (...I actually like the ring to that XD),

  • No matter what goes on with your final semester of college for your Bachelors (and I know those projects will be nuts), relax and get the work done.
  • DO NOT PROCRASTINATE!! I don't care what's been going on here or irl, don't procrastinate in ANYTHING!!!
  • Continue to be supportive to things around the forum. New people were befriended this year and last year just by the RP section. If that's where your the best in supporting others, than do it.
  • Try and make a female RP character sometime. Think outside the box of your normal shonen protag males...hell, make it a shonen protag female if ya have to!
  • If...and this is a BIG IF...Stratos is unbanned, you better run that card in your HERO deck as fast as you can! And if they print out the non-fusion M-HERO monsters...well, start preparing the best M-HERO deck you can muster!

And, as always, you keep this always in your mind: Never give up, keep your resolve strong!


I'll see ya in a year...


Chaos Sonic of 2016

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Hi, Future Yui. This is going to be kinda long, so I've gone ahead and spoiler'd it for your convenience. You're probably saying "Good job me; keep being one step ahead of myself." right now, aren't you? Anywho, let's get into this.

[spoiler=A Letter to Future Yui]

I'd imagine that by now, you've given up on Yu-Gi-Oh, but still join YGO-related RPs. Your interest was waning pretty hard as this was written, so just consider it a blind guess. Speaking of giving up, I hope you haven't given up on your goal to becoming a good Ryu main. If you haven't, you should by now be able to combo pretty hard and not accidentally tatsumaki off the stage and kill yourself. But honestly, For Glory will matter as much to you as it did to me; it's a nice place to funk around, but not much else. Have you considered going to any tournaments? ...probably not. I don't quite blame you, but at the same time, I totally do. But let's talk about more important things.


How were the new anime we watched this year? Did they have good waifus? Did our one true waifu finally meet her match? Actually, did we get any new To Aru stuff this year? I know it's just wishful thinking, but this is the best time of year to hope. How about your Pokemon plush collection? You said you wanted to start collecting those. I'd be happy with you if you've got at least five, since I know we agreed not to spend much money this year to make up for our awful spending habits in 2016. Speaking of spending, if everything went the way we planned it (which, as we both say, never happens in our family), you should have just recently ordered parts for a new gaming PC! You probably also have an actual graphics card in your old pile of junk by now and can play WoW properly. How is that going? Are you still a good healer? Did you get a legendary yet? What about the alt squad; how do they look? Our rogue is probably the best-geared out of the lot, isn't he? ^_^;


What else matters to us? Oh, right! Has anyone important (to you) left YCM? The RP crew doesn't seem like they're going anywhere as of yet, but you never know. How about League? You wanted to try picking that back up right? Is Yorick everything we expected him to be? How about Udyr? Are you a good Udyr to the point where people stop telling you "you" should've never bought Spirit Guard Udyr? Or...did you give up on Udyr in favor of Yorick? I'd ask if you ever went onto YCM and launched Supremus, but you cancelled that in late December last year, so...I hope you launched the thing you were planning in its place. If that's still going, I'm proud of you. All of you that are in the RP, I'm proud of y'all. Thanks.


I guess the last things that really matter to us right now are the gallery and the Halloween Masquerade. How was the Masquerade this year? I hope it was fun, and I hope you did a good job with your monster and got to entertain a lot of people. If it went the way we heard it would in 2016, I'm sure you had lots of fun anyway. You always do at that time of year. How about the gallery? It's still going steady, I presume. With any luck, things are less awful on Imgur right now than they are as I'm writing this, but that's probably just more wishful thinking. Anything particularly interesting in there? Actually, I want you to do me a favor. Last year, you hid a text file in your image folder (you know which one I'm talking about) with numbers detailing how many images you had that fit different tags. Take notes on how many images are in that folder now and compare the two. This is honestly just an experiment to see how many of those we'll get in a year. It's fun, right? :)


Man, I've written RP biographies shorter than this. Honestly, a lot of it is me rambling; I'm feeling just a wee bit sentimental tonight, and you're probably feeling the same way. Probably because of Nightsong. Anyway, I'll leave you to it, man. You probably know how to take care of yourself better than I did, and I hope everything's going well for you. With the utmost sincerity, Past Yui.



Tell her. You probably don't need context. If you're now remembering when you typed this, I bet you're snickering to yourself as anyone else reading this P.S. gets curious. I know I did imagining it.



Finish Rainy Rivalry if you haven't, fuckboy.


Well, have fun out there, Yui!


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Tell her. You probably don't need context. If you're now remembering when you typed this, I bet you're snickering to yourself as anyone else reading this P.S. gets curious. I know I did imagining it.

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To future me;


I hope you have stopped or have cut down on procrastinating, as well as the other problems. I hope you're doing fine in whatever this new administration turns out to be.


I don't know what else to say so I'll leave it at that.


-cr47t, Jan 1, 2017

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