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Lyrical Luscinia – Independent Nightengale [MACR]

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Level 1/WIND/Winged Beast/Fusion/Effect
“Lyrical Luscinia – Assembly Nightingale” + 1 “Lyrical Luscinia” monster
(1) If this card is Fusion Summoned by using an Xyz Monster whose original name is a “Lyrical Luscinia” monster as Fusion Material: You can make this card gain 1 Level for each Xyz Material attached to that monster.
(2) This card gains 500 ATK for each Level it has. Unaffected by other card effects.
(3) Once per turn: You can inflict 500 damage to your opponent for each Level this card has.




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So Independent Nightengale FTK is now another super inconsistent crappy way to FTK.

That being said the effect damage this monster can spit out is rather high and it has a solid body and ... said LL have no themed poly, so it is a pain to summon and easily falls victim to UTL and kaijus.

By the way, how do multiple xyzs as fusion material work ... from the wording one could assume only 1 counts for this cards levels, though the opposite might actually makes this card less awful to bring out.

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Lyrical Luscinias fuse now? And with Xyzs monsters? Huh, for someone who isn't watching the anime, it is an interesting twist.

I believe if you use 2 Lyrical Luscinias Xyz for its summon, it will count the materials of both for the Level-gaining effect; otherwise it won't be able to reach a high ATK, I guess. 4 materials turns it into a effect-proof 3000 ATK beater already, which should be good enough. It would need 9 materials to be safe from Utopia Lightning however; I don't know if Lyricals are able to set that up. Still, you should be using this to win games considering its burning effect, anyway.

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More Instant Fusion target, if its matter = InstaFuse into this + Swallow's Nest -> SS Cobalt Sparrow, then search.


Where's the poly coming from though? Tech zodiac engine?

Parasite Fusioner? tho not searchable . . .


NOTE: But owait forgot Where Arf Thou can search Parasite Fusioner.

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Lyrical Luscinias fuse now? And with Xyzs monsters? Huh, for someone who isn't watching the anime, it is an interesting twist.

I believe if you use 2 Lyrical Luscinias Xyz for its summon, it will count the materials of both for the Level-gaining effect; otherwise it won't be able to reach a high ATK, I guess. 4 materials turns it into a effect-proof 3000 ATK beater already, which should be good enough. It would need 9 materials to be safe from Utopia Lightning however; I don't know if Lyricals are able to set that up. Still, you should be using this to win games considering its burning effect, anyway.

3 mats to be 30.


It's naturally Level 1, so it gets +500 ATK, making it a static 1500.


1 Mat Xyz makes it a Lv. 2 with 2000 ATK that burns 1000 a pop.

2 Mat Xyz makes it a Lv. 3 with 2500 ATK that burns 1500 a pop.

3 Mat Xyz makes it a Lv. 4 for 3000 ATK that burns 2000 a pop.

4 Mat Xyz makes it a traditional Towers that burns 2500 a pop.


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Well, from the look of things, the (1) effect is a trigger effect, right? So it'd only trigger once, even if you used 2 Xyz monsters as fusion material for it? And I'm guessing you'd be able to choose which Xyz monster you want to count.

As for Parasite Fusioner, we still need a way to special summon it, and all I got are One for One and Kinka-Byo. Seems like jumping through too many hoops for me.

Miracle Xyz Fusion when?

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So this is how Rank 1 OTK begins. With a 5 Mat Assembly Nightningale sneaking past Crystal Wing for 5K damage, then being fused into this to hit for the last 3000. 


"But Crystal Wing'll just negate Independant Nightningal-"




But yeah, stock up on your Menkos and Drowning Mirror Forces's everybody. And I though Stoic Challenge would be the thing that'd get them over the top. Sil. Lee. Me.


P.S. Still susceptible to Kaijus, but only in the same way Gagaga Cowboy is (in a "if you can't stop me, you're ALREADY too late) kinda way. that most people miss when they see burn-happy bosses.)

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Hand: Turquoise, Cobalt, Ophrys Scorpio

SS Turquoise and Cobalt, search Sapphire

NS Ophrys, disc 1, ss Darling Cobra, search Transcendental Poly

Ophrys + Darling = any Rk 3

Turquoise + Cobalt = Recite, Recite's eff, +600 atk to Rk3

Det Cobalt, add Sapphire, ss Sapphire and Sapphire

Sapphire + Sapphire = Assembly, Sapphire's eff, attach Cobalt from gy (hopefully you'd be able to activate the 2nd Sapphire as well, but you might not be able to on the 1st turn)

Play Transcendental, 3-mat Assembly + Recite = Lv 4 Independent

Transcendental, ss Assembly and Recite, (xyz into Utopic Future?)

Independent's eff, 2k, direct attack 3k, if your opponent has no monsters or only 1 that you removed with Utopic, a 2400 or more atk Rk3 gets you the win.



I guess you could do it without Transcendental, since it winds up being pretty insignificant by the end.

If you use Flash Fusion, you can get in an extra 1.8k dmg with Assembly.


Zoodiacs can search Poly through Black Sheep, so you could try that.

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Just use this with Instant Fusion and Tyrant Neptune where it can gain Nightingale's effects and become a 5000+ beatstick that can burn for 5000 and become unaffected by card effect's.

Interesting, so a 2-card combo with 2 searchable pieces would turn into a 6k monster with effect immunity and 5k burn each turn ... your idea actually outclasses the last strix play (except the ulti => Sevven Sins safety play) ... funnily enough.

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Piggybacking on liepard's predaplant idea + Thomas' Neptune idea:


1 Lonefire or Predaplant Ophrys single handedly gets both Neptune + Instant Fusion in hand, right?


-Lonefire into Ophrys/NS Ophrys into Darling Cobra

-Search Instant Fusion

-Xyz into Invoker

-Molmorat plays into King of Feral Imps

-Feral Imp search Neptune


...or am I missing something?

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You need Brilliant in order to normal the Neptune


So it's a combination of Predaplant + Instant or Brilliant


You also have the Gate Pendulums to search for Instant/Brilliant


Triangle + Instant also works


"hope u have a kaiju"



Basically the upper limit is Instant Fusion with a second requirement of making a Rank 4 without a normal summon (which is equivalent to an additional normal summon available)

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By the way, how do multiple xyzs as fusion material work ... from the wording one could assume only 1 counts for this cards levels, though the opposite might actually makes this card less awful to bring out.

Generally in this game, something is only necessarily singular if it uses the numeral "1". "Xyz Monster" in Independent Nightingale's card text could very well be translated as "Xyz Monster(s)", and "that monster" as "that monster(s)".

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Okay, so let's draw this out: This card is designed for OTKs. That is very clear. It can certainly cause a lot of damage. If you don't win that turn, it can potentially become a huge beater that's unaffected by any and all card effects other than its own, so the only way to get rid of it is by bringing out a bigger monster and defeating it in battle. And if you summoned this with a 3+ material Assembly Nightingale, it'll have at least 3000 ATK, making it very difficult to run over, on a monster that can only be killed by running it over.


Yep, this card is pretty good. And it's not too hard to bring out either. I can see Ruri;dek players making a build around this card.

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Mmm... the problem is, I can't see a way to effectively use this card in Ruri.dek, or at least a way that doesn't involve more unsearchable winmore cards, clunky engines that don't synergize in any way, or using up resources that could have been spent on making a bigger Assembly.

Konami, I'm serious about the Miracle Xyz Fusion! Give it to us! I don't care if it literally summons only 3 cards, I want it to be a thing.


On another note, I tried making a Zodiac deck that turbos out Tyrant Neptune, and I think the chance of opening the combo is about 50% (based off sample hands. Trying to figure out a probability problem twists my brain into pretzels). The rest of the time, you got to try and win with the Zodiacs, so I stopped testing because playing Zodiacs is unfathomably boring on YGOPro.

I hope Konami doesn't ban any of the cards involved in this combo. Independent's too new and did nothing wrong, Neptune is a nostalgia card with an interesting mechanic who also did nothing wrong, and a ban on Instant Fusion would just kill me. If they errata Independent, this entire problem could be solved.

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