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Pendulumucho [MACR]

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Pendulum Effect Once per turn, during your Main Phase, if this card was activated this turn: You can target 1 of your Pendulum Monsters that is banished or in your Graveyard, except "Pendulumucho"; add it to your Extra Deck face-up.

Monster Effect If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 face-up Level 1 Pendulum Monster from your Extra Deck, except "Pendulumucho", but banish it when it leaves the field.


another Scale 0 that was revealed in Weekly JUMP (alongside a new Zoodiac), discuss?

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(The Zodiac looks like crap)

Interesting (though after gate zero it was obvious scale 0s would now be a regular thing).

This card can be used as a "1-card" rank 1 (while triggering monsters like the Level 1 D/D Savant), though the amazing part lies in its pendulum effect, considering it is not only a solid scale, but also recycles 1 card upon being placed in a pendulum zone (countering the inherent -1 placing it would mean), so cards like white wing magician, tune magician and domino butterfly are somewhat easily recyclable.

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What I like the most about this is how it finally removes some of the burden of being a Level 1 Pendulum. It's a Scale 0, with no weird "Scale becomes inconvenient number X" effect, and its Pendulum Effect is good enough. The monster effect is what amuses me, because it grabs a Level 1 Pendulum from the Extra and SSes it.

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I dunno. It only can be used the turn you activated it as a Scale. I don't think it'd cause many loops unless...you have a means to constantly add it back to your hand.


That said, I sort of expect everything to have hard OPT clauses these days.

There wasn't a soft OPT on it when I commented that. It just said "During your Main Phase..." so I assumed that there was a condition that hadn't been written

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I think this card is a secret spoiler about Yuya's final destiny. Now that we've seen Yuya play 2 donkeys, plus the release of Pendulumucho, I can safely bet that Yuya will exile himself to Mexico and abandon the generic circus motif.

Now I want a third donkey card but painted as a zebra, to solidify this thought, if possible. Zebra donkeys are a symbol of Tijuana, a key Mexican city bordering the US (and the place where I live, actually).

It all makes sense now. That's why Yuya had green and red hair all this time. With more maturity he'll develop a white section in-between both colors, making the Mexican flag pattern.




Btw: Mucho = A lot (in Spanish). Just a piece of random trivia.


And sure, why not? I probably need to talk about the card itself a bit.


I very much like the recycling effect of it as a scale. It isn't technically a plus on itself, and there are very potent archetypes out there that just plain wouldn't need it, but from a generic standpoint this card's effect is very solid. It can be especially decent if you have something like a Majespecter Unicorn that was Solemn'd or used for a Rank 6 and thrown into the Graveyard now back in action. The number of turns a game lasts will determine how good that use is competitively.


The other effect is a Kynka-Byo for the Pendulum's Graveyard.... It's always solid.

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feels legit as funk, considering Kepler exists. As a monster, it is extra copies late game. As a scale, it allows you to banish Kepler to Necro and immediately pendulum summon it.


Real catch is finding a use for this after it is in your monster zone. Princessprout? Or just use it as synchro material

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Interesting (though after gate zero it was obvious scale 0s would now be a regular thing).

To be fair it could have just been a 1-off animu thing that wouldn't be repeated for another 6 months

Is certainly what I was expecting anyways

Will need a bit more along these lines before level 1 Pends really come into their own but is def p solid start

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To be fair it could have just been a 1-off animu thing [...]

Well, however as soon as they break such patterns it usually starts to happen more often (due to a "taboo" being broken). That being said the manga also added "down to scale 0" cards, on top of that considering cards usually even exclude unlikely events in which a card would turn into a scale 0 and the fact that they did suddenly add Gate Zero, it was rather apparent they would not be "afraid"/consider it a "taboo" any longer.
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Well, however as soon as they break such patterns it usually starts to happen more often (due to a "taboo" being broken). That being said the manga also added "down to scale 0" cards, on top of that considering cards usually even exclude unlikely events in which a card would turn into a scale 0 and the fact that they did suddenly add Gate Zero, it was rather apparent they would not be "afraid"/consider it a "taboo" any longer.

Oyea, I was sure it was going to happen again, I just didn't think it would happen so soon

I thought we'd have to wait at minimum for the next set, but was expecting 2 or 3 sets later

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