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Destroy Blue-Eyes by battle?!? THE Blue-Eyes White Dragon?!? Should we ban it OP? Jesus 2016 lay off the powercreep


It's seen some side play actually since it doesn't activate. You could take out Crystal Wing or Exterio in battle for example


I don't mean that Blue-Eyes is the best monster ever, I'm just saying that it can effect and help take down a lot of high ATK monsters.

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Although it could have been worded less aggressively, Winter is correct in that your application of the card isn't the best. Blue-Eyes White Dragon is not a problem card, and it's definitely not one of the best tuners out there.


It has limited side deck usage and is overall a lackluster card. The only time I think it had value was when Apoqliphort Towers was a thing. 

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To be fair, now that I looked at it, this card is surprisingly strong ATK-wise while it applies its effect. I mean, despite affecting itself, as a Level3 with an outstanding ATK of 1600 (for a Level3), it ends up 700 ATK while most monsters most likely end with less. For instance, Level4s with their standard 1600~1800 end up with 600, barely losing to this card; and of course higher Levels/Ranks get higher reductions. Still, low-Rank Xyz can run over it, and yeah, beaters are not good enough in nowadays YGO.

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I don't mean that Blue-Eyes is the best monster ever, I'm just saying that it can effect and help take down a lot of high ATK monsters.

It's more the fact you were so close.


The 3k attack Dragon you're looking for is Crystal Wing or maybe Azure Eyes, not BEWD.


Sorry, dolphin is right, I came off more condescending than you merited. There was no reason for me to be that acrimonious


It's a very good card though in the niches it solves

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Huh...this does look at least...usable. It's definitely not trash.


Wyrm has some good support (mostly Yang Zings from my recollection, but I'm a bit out of the loop), being a Tuner gives it a little extra. Level 3 is a solid enough Level. 1600 ATK is excellent for its level.


And what's this? An actually GOOD ATK/DEF reduction effect? It saps 300 x Level/Rank, which is great that Xyz aren't immune because SO many cards are actually judged negatively on the merits of "It doesn't affect Xyz"...which is a legit complaint.


So on the average monster, it'll sap about 900-1500 ATK/DEF for nothing. Only major downside I see is that this also affects itself. It drains its own ATK/DEF by 900, meaning it's only a 700 ATK monster.


It doesn't really merit play, but I think Wyrm focused and/or Synchro focused decks could get a little mileage out of this...but since it affects your own monsters, too...hmmm...that becomes the major issue, doesn't it? With such a potent ATK/DEF draining tool, you can't really capitalize on it to any significant degree, because it reduces your own monsters. That means the best thing it can do is weaken something, maybe run it over, and then Synch.

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Has anyone noticed that "illumni'raj" was the OCG name?


Let the conspiracies commence (i'm joking, i dont believe in that s***)


On the subject of the actual use of the card in the game, It's decent at times. I would agree that Night Dracolich might do the job better though if you can work with a Level 4 tuner rather than a lv 3

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Has anyone noticed that "illumni'raj" was the OCG name?


Let the conspiracies commence (i'm joking, i dont believe in that s***)


On the subject of the actual use of the card in the game, It's decent at times. I would agree that Night Dracolich might do the job better though if you can work with a Level 4 tuner rather than a lv 3


Um, Night Dracolich is not a Tuner.... 

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