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EMユーゴーレム Entermate Yuugolem (Performapal Fusegolem)

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EMユーゴーレム Entermate Yuugolem

(Performapal Fusegolem)


Level 4 DARK Fiend-Type Effect Monster


ATK 1600

DEF 1000


P-Scale 1

Pendulum Effect:

(1) Once per turn, if a monster is Fusion

Summoned to your field: You can add 1

"Performapal", "Odd-Eyes", or "Magician"

Pendulum Monster to your hand, from either

your Graveyard or from amongst face-up

Pendulum Monsters in your Extra Deck.


Monster Effect:

(1) Once, during the Main Phase, if this card

was Pendulum Summoned this turn: You can

Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your

Extra Deck, using monsters you control as

Fusion Materials, including this card, but the

other Materials must all be Dragon-Type


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This is actually really good.


Like...well, it has great scale, good level, good attribute, and both effects are really-


>using monsters you control as

Fusion Materials, including this card, but the

other Materials must all be Dragon-Type



Well that makes things awkward.

nah, it doesn't


Metal claw? High chance of using a dragon. Very high.

Vortex? Same.

Ghoul? All but has to be.

Starving Venom? Loses out, but it's meh, anyway.


I thought it did, too, but thinking about it more showed me otherwise.

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