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Unexpected Dai

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Not consuming your normal is one of them I'd consider, but agu mentioned a few more

As stated above, try again.


Your gameplay point was debunked.


You've still not tackled deckbuilding points.


You're just stringing along a weak attempt at "winning", at this point.

Gusto doesn't matter, but it can make the additional rabbits live...can you dispute that point?

that isn't even a point


Why would you run a bad R4 made with good cards just to make another 1-card R4 live


It's magician, you're getting the same result with or without needlessly going into emeral

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As stated above, try again.


Your gameplay point was debunked.


You've still not tackled deckbuilding points.


You're just stringing along a weak attempt at "winning", at this point.

that isn't even a point


Why would you run a bad R4 made with good cards just to make another 1-card R4 live


It's magician, you're getting the same result with or without needlessly going into emeral

Sigh, don't run it then, I would, because I think Zarc magicians can keep gusto alive a turn to use it's effect again mostly, bur I'm not saying that you or anyone should. 

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There has to be a better level 4 DARK Spellcaster vanilla than Sorcerer of the Doomed right

There is, Illusory Gentleman

I mean this was never about Emeral and had you actually talked about Emeral + Rabbit in the first place instead of "2nd and 3rd Dai vs 2nd and 3rd Rabbit" maybe you wouldn't have felt like this was a waste of time.

Fair, Gusto does have the bonus of being able to summon back a normal though if that ever comes up, (no doubt you will it it won't cause something along the lines of "resolve the first rabbit, you should need winmoar like gusto")

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