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Make "Magician of Black Chaos" Good!


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I made a retrain with it's own ritual spell, and I made a second ritual spell that supports the original "Magician of Black Chaos".  I also wanted the Monsters and their spells to support the Dark Magician archetype since they've always been associated with Dark Magician, but never actually had synergy.


"This card can be ritual summoned with "Chaos Magic Ritual". During either player's turn, when a Spell/Trap Card or effect is activated: You can banish 1 Spell Card from your grave; negate the activation, and if you do, banish that card. When this card is summoned, If "Dark Magician" was used as the requirement for this card's ritual summon, banish 1 card your opponent controls. You can only use each effect of "Neo Magician of Black Chaos" once per turn."


The Dark Magician deck has lacked any in archetype negation, other than Magicians Navigate's graveyard effect, which only negates spell/traps.  And since it's a control deck, I felt it needed some strong negation.  I also wanted it to have a banishing related effect to pay homage to Dark Magician of Chaos's banishing effect.  Also I made it level 7 so that it could be used with Chaos Form and Advanced Ritual Art.  Chaos Form is searchable via Magician's Rod, but Dark Magician has no ritual monster to use it with.  Chaos Form currently only works with 4 rituals in the game; Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon, BLS (both rituals), and the original Magician of Black Chaos.  Since Chaos Form mentions Dark Magician in it's text, they might as well make a Chaos ritual that works in the Dark Magician deck.


"This card is used to summon "Neo Magician of Black Chaos". You must also Tribute monsters from your hand or field whose total Levels equal 7 or more. If this card is banished from your grave, add 1 Monster from your Deck to your hand, that specifically lists the card "Dark Magician" in its text."


The Dark Magician search cards only search the spell/traps and the original Dark Magician.  Now you can search Apprentice Illusion Magician and Black Illusion Magician.  I had this card and the next Ritual Spell list the monsters specifically so that it could work with Pre-Preparation of Rites.  I thought this was important since the Dark Magician archetype can't naturally search ritual monsters.  Also this spell is searchable off Magician's Rod and Magician's Circle.


"This card is used to Ritual Summon "Magician of Black Chaos". You must also Tribute monsters from your hand or field whose total Levels equal 8 or more OR tribute 1 "Dark Magician".  "Magician of Black Chaos" is unaffected by card effects. If "Dark Magician" was one of the monsters tributed, add 1 quick-play Spell card from your deck to your hand."


I know this card does A LOT for a ritual spell, but since the original "Magician of Black Chaos" does NOTHING I felt this card needed to make up for it.  Also it searches "Chaos Scepter Blast" so you can immediately banish something.  I also wanted the card to search spells to pay homage to Dark Magician of Chaos's spell adding effect.  Also it's searchable off of Magician's Rod and Magician's Circle.  So what do you guys think?

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Why'd you make Neo MBC Level 7? Other than that I agree with that MBC should also gain a retrain like the BLS Ritual got. With that in mind, why not make these cards more in the direction the BLS Ritual retrain did?


Why not make Chaos Magic Ritual able to Ritual Summon a "Magician of Black Chaos" Ritual Monster, rather than a Neo MBC-specific Ritual Spell? Also, I would put the eratta effect you gave Black Chaos Ritual on Chaos Magic Ritual instead and scrap the second effect on Chaos Magic Ritual.


Neo MBC's effect is fine and fits its theme, but I would remove the second effect that mentions Dark Magician.

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Why'd you make Neo MBC Level 7? Other than that I agree with that MBC should also gain a retrain like the BLS Ritual got. With that in mind, why not make these cards more in the direction the BLS Ritual retrain did?


Why not make Chaos Magic Ritual able to Ritual Summon a "Magician of Black Chaos" Ritual Monster, rather than a Neo MBC-specific Ritual Spell? Also, I would put the eratta effect you gave Black Chaos Ritual on Chaos Magic Ritual instead and scrap the second effect on Chaos Magic Ritual.


Neo MBC's effect is fine and fits its theme, but I would remove the second effect that mentions Dark Magician.

Thank you for responding!  I made it level 7 so that it could work with "Chaos Form" and "Advanced Ritual Art".  And I made the Ritual spells list the Ritual Monsters so that they could be searched off of Pre-Preparation of Rites, since the Dark Magician Archetype can search the Ritual Spells, but not the monsters.  I apologize for not originally explaining this in the post.  I wrote the explanations in a hurry.

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