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Someone Read my Future

Ryusei the Morning Star

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"Ready so I'm done with your spread. First I'm going to go over what each position means the first position represents you at the time of in this case the time in your life right now next in the second position we have the helping or hindering Energies that are affecting you and the things around you. Next we have the third position which is the problem card. After that we have the fourth position which is the near past card. Then at the fifth position we have the present moment or crowning thoughts card. After that in the sixth position we have near future as a card it's usually events but sometimes it's other things. Next the 7th position we have your fears at the moment. Next in the 8th position we have the environmental card it's the card that allows you to see how others see you which I think is pretty neat. Coming close to the end in the 9th position we have car that represents your hopes. And then finally coming to an even 10 we have the outcome of it all.
Now then on to the cards themselves. The first card which is you is represented by the eight of Wands which represents fast progress. Next the energies is the Six of Pentacles which represents successful games sharing gifts no such thing in this case it looks like it's going to be a healthy energy. Next we come to the problem which just so happens to be number VIII strength. This card represents gentleness and inner courage and blah blah things. Seeing as this is the problem card I can interpret it in one of two ways. One, you are afraid that you are getting soft. Or two, you are afraid that you don't have any strength any real strength left. Next we come to the Past card represented by the five of cups. This represents feelings of disappointment you know like regrets letdowns betrayal things like that. But it's in the past so shrug. Next we come to the crowning Topps card which is represented by the nine of Wands. The nine of Wands represents perseverance going through things even if they're hard. I think this means that even is which is a big if you don't have any strength left you're still going to get through it at least that's what you think and you have a right to think that. Next we come to the near future card represented by the two of cups. This card represents balance usually in relationships doesn't have to be romantic or anything it can be like mending a bond between friends whose Bridge got burned things like that. Next we come to the fear card. This is represented by the ace of cups. The ace represents new relationships or the start of something happy and new. I can see this being a rather common fear so so there's no need to feel ashamed of it which I doubt you are anyway. Next the environment card. This is represented by the Ace of Wands another Ace card which in succession with Cubs seems a little bit weird to me but you know those weird anyways. Anyways the Ace of Wands represents something new and passionate and fiery. Remember this is the card that lets you see how others see you. Next we come to the Hope card. The card here is the seven of Pentacles. This card represents work and patience being rewarded and good financial news. So from my perspective it looks like you're hoping to finally be recognized for something that you did. Next and finally we have the outcome card this is represented by the king of Pentacles. This king is practical and successful you lots of material possessions you know things like that so judging from all of the cards together it looks like you're afraid to jump into something new because you're afraid that it won't work out or that you won't work out butt despite this things will work out in the end either you will become or you will meet someone very successful and things will flourish from there.
If you have any further questions feel free to ask them I still got the cards laid out and there's one more thing I can lay out if you still have questions that I can't answer.
Also sorry for any spelling or grammar or whatever mistakes I'm using voice typing on my phone because I can't use my computer when the cards are out. It's both a space thing and a self-imposed rule"


And it's scarily accurate 

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