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[Written] Super Miracle Fusion


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Super Miracle Fusion

Spell Card

Pay half your LP and discard all cards in your hand; Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck by banishing monsters from either players's field or Graveyard as Fusion Material. You can only activate 1 "Super Miracle Fusion" per turn. Monsters you control cannot attack the turn you activate this card, except the monster Summoned by this card's effect.


So basically (as required by this section where if not followed they basically shaft your topic to casual even though they ignore others who don't follow the explanation rule, even when you point it out to them in the questions section) this card acts as alternate Super Polymerization which requires a bit to summon a good Fusion Monster but benefits you from using your opponents field and graveyard for what you need to make your Fusion Monster. In addition to make it so that Super Miracle Fusion isn't so ridiculous with its effect is that I made it so only the summoned monster can attack that turn.

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Pay half your LP and discard all cards in your hand; Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from either players's field or Graveyard as Fusion Material. You can only activate 1 "Super Miracle Fusion" per turn. Monsters you control cannot attack the turn you activate this card, except the monster Summoned by this card's effect.


This card is INSANE! Using monsters from either player's field and Graveyard is an insane range, but it DOES has a steep cost of discarding your entire hand and paying half your LP. I still think it's insane, though. Because you can summon Zarc much easier now; not very easier, but still much easier than the options when currently have in the game. If I were you, I'd make it use monsters from either field only and reduce the cost. Maybe make it so you pay half your LP, then discard 1 card? Idk, but I don't like how it can use monsters from either player's field and Graveyard, despite limiting attacking this turn to that monster and discarding your entire hard (which is a pretty risky move, btw.)

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In general I don't like Extreme conditions to Cards. I Think "half of your LP + All Cards in your hand" it's too much haha I know how Super Poly is OP but, today we got some effects, even in Fusion Archtypes, like Eidolon, know? It can use the opponent's Graveyard, but it's ~~~balanced~~~ because sometimes you simply cannot use or it's not so convenient to use the opponent's grave. Okay, we got staples like "Starving Venom Fusion Dragon" or Shaddollls, but running a 15 Cards Extra Deck, sometimes will not be able to abuse this Card (even because his hard clause).


The Card is good, you can just take a bit easier on conditions (I think half of your Life Points only). And on Cards thats requires to discard your entire hand, we usually see a (min. 1[or 2]) ahead the effect.

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