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  On 4/24/2017 at 11:43 AM, Astro Dude said:

We got a synopsis:




I think Capcom's gonna have a field day unless the dub alters a few things.

Capcom? I feel like you're making a joke of some kind, but I don't think I understand.

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  On 4/24/2017 at 1:26 PM, Zaziuma said:

Capcom? I feel like you're making a joke of some kind, but I don't think I understand.

Time for me to go Phoenix Wright and explain the facts:


"The city where network systems are developed: Den City. The giant company SOL Technology Co. is based there, and it uses advanced technology that it created to construct "LINK VRAINS," a virtual-reality space. Many people are very excited that they can now experience a new kind of duel in LINK VRAINS.

In LINK VRAINS, a mysterious hacking group that hacks through duels called "The Hanoi Knights" appears. Their goal is to bring about the destruction of the "World of AI: Cyverse" that exists somewhere in the network.

However, there is one duelist in LINK VRAINS willing to stand up to this threat. His name is Playmaker. Playmaker defeats The Hanoi Knights in a fierce duel, and then leaves without saying a word. Because of that, Playmaker immediately becomes famous in the network world. Playmaker's real identity is the high school student Yūsaku Fujiki. For Yūsaku, he spends so much time in LINK VRAINS because he is searching for the truth to an incident that happened in his past. For this purpose, he chases after The Hanoi Knights.

Yūsaku spends his days fighting against the members of The Hanoi Knights. While doing this, he captures a mysterious AI program that both SOL Technology and The Hanoi Knights are pursuing. Aftwerward, the cogs of fate begin to turn for Yūsaku. What is the true identity of the mysterious AI? What is the real reason behind The Hanoi Knights' goal of destroying Cyverse? And what is the truth to Yūsaku's past that he keeps hidden?"

Source: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2017-04-23/yu-gi-oh-vrains-anime-reveals-story-synopsis/.115049

Exhibit A: The city where network systems are developed: Den City.

Already we have a copyright claim. The city where the Mega Man Battle Network series takes place is Den City, or DenTech City in the English Dub of Megaman NT Warrior and Megaman NT Axess.


It's similar to how DC almost sued Capcom for Robot Master DWN-064, or Aqua Man.

That's about all I can think of for the moment.

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  On 4/24/2017 at 2:18 PM, Zaziuma said:

I don't really think that's going to happen, Den City isn't really something unique, Aqua Man is really also like that, the name is clearly not ripping anything off, that's how all the bosses are named, and it's a robot, not a horrible super hero.

Realy, then explain why in Megaman BN 6 Aquaman.exe had his name changed to Spoutman.exe?

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Take the Megaman discussions elsewhere, because it's probably coincidental that VRAINS and Megaman had the same idea for their main setting, and I don't believe Megaman copyrighted the name "Den City". But I'm not a law student, so leaving it at that.


But stuff from LABO (would be nice if we could actually watch it instead of having to read it off YGOrganization)




The term “new information” feels increasingly strained here.


C-VKSLCXgAMy89K.jpg?resize=300%2C167&ssl C-VKSKlXYAE7Ta_.jpg?resize=300%2C167&ssl

The mysterious organism that has shown up repeatedly in preview information (and voiced by Sakurai) is confirmed to be an Artificial Intelligence. (i.e. a computer program with human-like intelligence in terms of its use in fiction.).


What is Yusaku and the AI’s relationship with one another?


Higher quality pictures of one of the “Knights of Hanoi”, along with their leader, “Revolver”.


Coloring Yusaku on the computer

C-VMDh3XoAEbkGQ.jpg?resize=300%2C167&ssl C-VMDh5W0AI8DzW.jpg?resize=300%2C167&ssl

C-VMDh0WAAA12NN.jpg?resize=300%2C167&ssl C-VMDh3XcAIVin4.jpg?resize=300%2C167&ssl

Decode Talker and Cracking Dragon have CGI Models!


So yeah, this is probably why we're not watching VRAINS this month.

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  • 2 weeks later...

episode 2-5


Episode 2: 風を掴め!Storm Access – Kaze wo Tsukame! Sutoomu Akusesu (Catch the Wind! Storm Access)

Yusaku managed to capture the mysterious lifeform as he chases after the Knights of Hanoi. In order to defeat them, he logs into the VR Space network, Link VRAINS, as Playmaker. He commenced a Duel, holding the lifeform as a hostage. However, the lifeform predicted that “Yusaku can’t win with his deck,” and performed a certain action…

Script: 吉田伸 || Yoshida Shin
Storyboard: 須永 司 || Sunaga Tsukasa
Direction: 武藤公春 || Mutou Kimiharu
Animation Director(s): 川村裕哉, 宇代祐規 || Kawamura Yuya, Ushiro Yuki

Episode 3: ファースト・コンタクト – Faasuto Kontakuto (First Contact)

Yusaku begins to examine the information hidden in the mysterious lifeform. Meanwhile, after his Duel against the Knights in the network, he became famous as the hero who saved Link VRAINS. Learning that the lifeform is with Playmaker, SOL Technology sets up an operation to capture it…

Script: 吉田伸 || Yoshida Shin
Storyboard: 髙田昌宏 || Takada Masahiro
Direction: 三家本泰美|| Mikamoto Yasumi
Animation Director(s): TBA

Episode 4: カリスマデュエリストGo鬼塚  Karisuma Dyueisuto Go Onizuka (The Charisma Duelist: Go Onizuka)

Script: 武上純希 || Takegami Junki
Storyboard: 山本隆太 || Yamamoto Ryuta
Direction: 布施康之 || Fuse Yasuyuki
Animation Director(s): TBA

Episode 5 鳴動のスリーカウント Meidou no Surii Kaunto (The Bell Rings on the Count Of Three)

Script: 武上純希 || Takegami Junki
Storyboard: ありえゆうき || Arie Yuki
Direction: 神原敏明 || Kamihara Toshiaki
Animation Director(s): TBA

Thanks to DMC344 for the translations. Episode Title for Episode 5 has been translated differently by me to get the point across clearer.


sauce: https://ygorganization.com/sothefirst3episodesarelikea60to70minutemovie/

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Yeah, Reiji is technically Kaiba 2.0 because he actually cared about Reira, despite being adopted (and I need to remember that abridged and actual stuff are two different things). I suppose you can call Akira "Kaiba 3.0" or the YGOTAS equivalent of him (least with regard to him not caring about Aoi).


As for other characters:

  • Specter: Seems like the type to do so, but let's see.
  • Ema Bessho: OK, how relevant is she going to be?
  • Naoki Shima: Probably will end up like some of the support characters in previous series; can duel, but is easily beaten.
  • Go Onizuka: I expected him to be more egotistical or prideful, but guess he's nicer than we thought. But we'll see how he goes; should be fun to watch him.
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I was gonna talk about how nice it is to hear the school is a regular school, but thinking about it, Duel Academy hasn't been an absolute replacement in any gen.

-Yugi went to a regular school.

-Jaden had to crash into it and flashbacks from before their DA high school time show hints that it was a regular school. In fact, it's so closely linked to DM that it has to have regular schools.

-5Ds is oddly enough the one that seems like it has it as the only kind of school, even though they barely dedicated any time to show it (and that's most likely a reason as to why it isn't really clear).

-ZeXal showed Yuma & Co. dueled AFTER school, and even in the school monitor episode where one of the characters moving the strings was controlled by a barian, duels weren't really brought out all that much outside of Yuma's challenge (if at all.... iirc).

-Arc V. In Standard, the duel schools seemed to be someplace duelists went to ON TOP of regular school (as a sort of club if you will) even if we were never shown a regular school because the focus was on the Leo vs Yusho school conflict. Then the Fusion Dimension's Academia seemed mandatory but..... IDK, it was indoctrination for military purposes somehow.


- - - - - - -


Still.... I can't help but think they might be taking a step back in the franchise and lowering the absurdity of the world of Yugioh to something easier to digest for potential newcomers.

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You're going way too much into hypothetical territory right now; we still don't know the full extent of Aoi's relationship with her brother (other than he's a workaholic and cares about his job instead of his sister). Nothing explicit about if he's like Akari (Yuma's sister) and forbids her from dueling. The series isn't even out yet.

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  On 5/8/2017 at 12:50 AM, Flash Flyer - Sakura said:

You're going way too much into hypothetical territory right now; we still don't know the full extent of Aoi's relationship with her brother (other than he's a workaholic and cares about his job instead of his sister). Nothing explicit about if he's like Akari (Yuma's sister) and forbids her from dueling. The series isn't even out yet.

Okay, I agree. We'll hold off speculation until after the series is released.

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