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I personally really enjoyed episode 21. Being a recap episode, I could just relax and enjoy it, rather than having to focus on what it happening. It also allowed me to appreciate the animation and the music more, since I wasn't paying much attention to the plot.


[spoiler=Specifically]-Ignis is soooooo cute! Naive little baby doll.  :444810_key: 
-Yusaku setting a spell/trap and Akira arrogantly saying that Yusaku must not have draw a good card. An absolute howler, one of the funniest yugioh things I've seen tbh


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  • Some kind of eclipse is happening in VRAINS, which obviously isn't natural, so who is doing that and why?
  • So now we have Anothers, which are people who can't leave VRAINS and some white hands.
  • Oh hey, Go's back, I almost forgot he was suppose to be important for some reason.
  • So this Dr. Genome guy is hunting Playmaker and Go can only get the antivirus for his friend if he works with him.
  • OMG, Go as a kid looks hilarious, did nobody think that he would look stupid like that? So dumb.
  • So KoH have over 1000 members, though it is stated that they don't seem to be in it for the cause, but rather to be part of a gang, which is surprisingly realistic. They are basically like troll hacking groups now. Still, nice to see more of them, since they are so mysterious.
  • So another fake Playmaker (which turns out to be Go), with how easy this seems to be, maybe he should just try to infiltrate KoH with a Revolver disguise.
  • Go knows Playmaker's identity, though if he is bluffing or not is unclear.
  • So no duels in this episode. Sigh, while the story is at least starting up again, I wish for at least a start of a duel, but nope.



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[spoiler=VRAINS 022]

  • KoH is responsible for the Another phenomenon.
    • Aoi fell victim to this earlier.
  • Everyone who got affected are hackers, use the old Duel Disc and I forgot the last reason. 
  • Go uses Playmaker's avatar and assaults KoH drones (I'm just going to call them this because yeah).
  • They want Yusaku. 
  • Action from Go next episode, so this will be good.
    • He claims to know Playmaker's identity; might be a bluff or he actually can tell Yusaku from Playmaker by the hair. 
  • Naoki Shima is just comic relief at this point.



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[spoiler=VRAINS 022]

  • KoH is responsible for the Another phenomenon.
    • Aoi fell victim to this earlier.
  • Everyone who got affected are hackers, use the old Duel Disc and I forgot the last reason. 
  • Go uses Playmaker's avatar and assaults KoH drones (I'm just going to call them this because yeah).
  • They want Yusaku. 
  • Action from Go next episode, so this will be good.
    • He claims to know Playmaker's identity; might be a bluff or he actually can tell Yusaku from Playmaker by the hair. 
  • Naoki Shima is just comic relief at this point.



the last reason is they are good at dueling

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[spoiler=Should've been up earlier, but stuff for next episode]




He uses ‘eerie’/’strange’ looking monsters called 地獄螺戦鬼(ヘルリックス). The Kanji reads “Hell Spiral Battle Ogre”, but reads as “Hellix”. Not Helix, like SPYRAL Double Helix, but “Hellix”.


This monster from Episode 23’s Preview is presumably a member of the “Hellix” theme.



Episode names


Episode 24: ダークマスクが背負う宿命 – Dāku Masuku ga Seou Shukumei
(The Fate Shouldered by the Dark Mask)

Script: 米村正二, 前川 淳 || Yonemura Shouji, Maekawa Atsushi
Storyboard: 西田章二 || Nishida Shoji
Direction: 三家本泰美 || Mikamoto Yasumi
Animation Director(s): 佐藤瑞樹, 長谷川一生, || Satou Mizuki , Hasegawa Issei

Episode 25: ウィルスデッキ・オペレーション – Uirusu Dekki Operēshon
(Virus Deck Operation)

Script: 前川 淳 || Maekawa Atsushi
Storyboard: 髙田昌宏 || Takada Masahiro
Direction: 武藤公春 || Mutou Kimiharu
Animation Director(s): 川村裕哉, 宇代祐規 || Kawamura Yuya, Ushiro Yuki

Episode 26: 希望を導くスリー・ドロー – Kibō o Michibiku Surī Dorō
(The Three-Draw of Hope)

Script: 前川 淳 || Maekawa Atsushi
Storyboard: 山本隆太 || Yamamoto Ryuta
Direction: 布施康之 || Fuse Yasuyuki
Animation Director(s): Lee Sung-jin, Kang Hyeon-guk





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  • So Dr. Genome uses a Helixx Deck, which makes sense with his name.
  • Go has turned into a dark version of himself. Because wrestling and stuff.
  • We learn that Go changed his fighting style due to his loss against Playmaker, and wants to entertain the crowd no matter what.
  • Not a lot to say, it's a dueling episode, so yay.



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[spoiler=VRAINS 23]

  • Go becomes "Dark GO" and takes on a heel move. (Well, you're still doing big ass power plays; cool, but...as you mentioned yourself, it's old school).
    • I do like beatdown, but then again, I tell new kids in CC that the era for big power is over. (Except if you're a Train user or something).
    • Oh right, and Go literally spit in his face. (Well, that's nice)
  • Hellixes look OK, but IDK. (Think there's enough stuff for them to warrant a thread for them in TCG)
    • Only issue right now is their lack of lower Level members; we can assume there will be a couple, but...
  • I hope Go wins, because yeah.
    • You avoided getting killed, however you'll have to work hard to win now. 



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[spoiler=Thoughts on VRAINS 22]
- So there's an eclipse happening and everyone assumes it's a bug/virus (ofc Kitamura threatens to fire everyone if it isn't dealt with)
- The KoH are creating "Anothers" by dragging them into Link Vrains never to return (Naoki even assumed Yusaku was one for daydreaming), and we know that those affected are good duelists, have old style duel disks and are hackers, ofc their true target was Playmaker.
- Dr Genome mentions that Go is no longer one of the top 50 popular duelists (guess that's what an eternity off-screen does to you  :Kappa: )
- He also mentions that the only way Go can get the anti-virus to the "Anothers" is to help him hunt Playmaker
- We learn more about Go's past via his connection to the latest victim
- KoH has over 1000 members it seems, but Revolver mentions that many aren't in it for the cause as most of them are hoodlums (and also forcing people to duel them, and turn any losers into Anothers), but some of them end up trounced by notPlaymaker (Go).
- Go claims to know Playmakers identity, though whether he's bluffing or not remains to be seen

[spoiler=Thoughts on VRAINS 23]
- Dr Genome mentions that Go's fighting style is pathetic which Go agrees with, though the latter decides to take a heel turn and change his fighting style (Go even spat poison at Genome)
- Dr Genome's deck (hail helix) reminds me of Tron's Heraldic deck
- Go admits that his fighting style is old school and that he changed styles after his loss to Playmaker, but he still wants to entertain the crowd
- Blah blah blah, Dr Genome prattling on about dna, blah. even going on to say he wants the dna of powerful duelists in addition to saying that everything is predetermined as a result of one's dna.

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  • This was surprisingly a good episode. Go's new dueling style was quite entertaining for me and Helixxes were... decent.
  • I bet we'll get a new Gouki Link Monster in OCG/TCG that references Thunder Ogre's temporary name change.
  • Also I feel like Helixxes should've been Fusion Monsters, cuz you know... they are mutants, but since this is VRAINS and ED monster types from previous series don't exist, clearly they'd be Link Monsters.



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  • Ai surprisingly likes his name, Dr. Genome mentions how he's been domesticated like a pet, which I guess is kind of true, Yusaku leaves him at home sometimes.
  • Dr. Genome wants to use Ignis to create a super creature of some kind.
  • Go is back to regular old him, so I guess he isn't turning bad after all.
  • Uhh, a new Link-4 for Gouki, Master Ogre, and it has a cool effect too.
  • Go wins and get his cure, though KoH is still turning people into Anothers and are still running wild, and is smart enough to get that Playmaker was trying to motivate him.
  • Not sure if they used them earlier, but seems like Cracking Dragon isn't exclusive Revolver, which is kind of surprising to me.
  • Yusaku realizes that he can't just keep beating Knights of Hanoi goons and that he needs to get to the source.
  • Meanwhile, the Ai duelists SOL Tech are making are now complete and are being rolled out to fight KoH.



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[spoiler=Thoughts on VRAINS 24]
- Well then, Go decided to make a turn back to being a good guy (figured it wasn't gonna last long)
- When Go summoned his new Link, part of me thought he was gonna go into Destroy Ogre (as that is also a Link 4), but it wouldn't have been the right play.
- Ai surprisingly likes his name, but that causes Genome to make a comment about how that makes it domesticated like a pet (to be fair, Yusaku has left him at home a couple of times)
- Genome wants Ai so he can create a more powerful being with it
- Genome's skill halves stats and LP eh? K
- KoH are still turning people into Anothers (and Yusaku states that the program keeps changing so they can't make a removal program), meanwhile the duel club has decided to suspend activities, meh.
- Akira notes that he had made Aoi feel lonely, but since his demotion he can be more by her side
- SOL technologies created more AI duelists and sent them to fight KoH but the whole lot of them end up defeated
- Yusaku realises that beating the KoH mooks isn't enough and he needs to hunt the source




  • Not sure if they used them earlier, but seems like Cracking Dragon isn't exclusive Revolver, which is kind of surprising to me.




Cracking Dragon was used by random KoH blokes in the first couple episodes



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Yeah, Yusaku said this today (but motivation for Go to get up and fight).


  • Aoi apparently wants to join the fight against KoH, but Akira says no.
  • Aoki wants to fight, but Duel Club members don't want to; least the president. (*insert a certain member calling him a coward*)
  • 1000 AI Duelists; all of them smashed by two KoHs (well, the ones with the side masks)
  • Link-4 Gouki, but conveniently, its effect screwed over Dr. Genome (nothing new from him, so...whoever wants to develop him further in CC, do it but don't screw up.)
  • Yusaku shows up, but just to say the above.

(And yes, I quoted Zai's signature because it was actually said today.)



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  • OK, so we find out that Vyra is the one who made the Another virus, which was developed from the one Aoi got hit under.
    • Needless to say, Aoi is pissed
  • Uh, Halloween was yesterday but Vyra's Deck wouldn't seem out of place. Coincidence much? (not)
  • Kitamura gets based on social media for bragging about stuff.
    • Now if only a certain government official would get bashed harder on Twitter and sheet, but...that's irrelevant.
  • Apparently Ema gave Aoi the talk and yeah, motivated her to go in there. 




Well, I'm first to review this time, but honestly it doesn't matter.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I mean, I watched this on Wednesday, but somewhat surprised no one else has posted thoughts for last two weeks. (Suppose it's busy time or something, as I do hate triple posting.)
[spoiler=VRAINS 026]

  • Aoi, you got lucky that no Traps weren't drawn via your skill. 
  • More Dark Mummy stuff, though still not enough to develop a full strategy.
  • Link 4 Trickstar up and helped her win. (Well, Mandrake too)
  • So...Vyra / Kyoko had change of heart, and released the antidote after Aoi changed her. (Though Revolver apparently purged her because of that)

Overall, it wasn't too bad.

[spoiler=stuff pertaining to next week]
Well, let's see how Naoki does tomorrow, though the odds are highly stacked against him.

Episode 27: 闘う男島直樹 – Tatakau Otoko, Shima Naoki
(The Warrior, Shima Naoki)

As the Another phenomenon begins to affect the real world, everyone starts to panic, and LINK VRAINS is put on high alert. Due to something, Naoki decides to fight against the Knights of Hanoi…
Script: 広田光毅 || Hirota Mitsutaka
Storyboard: えらん|| Eran
Direction: 小野田雄亮 || Onoda Yusuke
Animation Director(s): 岡野幸男, 豊田暁子, 金子優司 || Okano Yukio, Toyoda Akiko, Kaneko Yuji.

Episode 28: 三騎士最後の将 – Sankishi, Saigo no Shō
(The Three Knights’ Final Lieutenant)

Faust, the mastermind behind Another, takes Naoki hostage and uses him to draw out Playmaker. Using electric worm monsters known as “Motor Worms,” he seals away Playmaker’s Link Summon. Playmaker then flies into the Data Storm and uses Storm Access, hoping to turn things around…
Script: 広田光毅 || Hirota Mitsutaka
Storyboard: 髙田昌宏 || Takada Masahiro
Direction: 髙田昌宏 || Takada Masahiro
Animation Director(s): 荏原裕子, 横田明美 || Ebara Yuko, Yokota Akemi

Episode 29: クサナギリポート – Kusanagi Ripōto
(Kusanagi Report)

Script: 前川 淳 || Maekawa Atsushi
Storyboard: TBD
Direction: TBD
Animation Director(s): TBD

Episode 30: 奈落への扉 – Naraku e no Tobira
(The Door to Hell)

Script: 武上純希 || Takegami Junki
Storyboard: 須永 司 || Sunaga Tsukasa
Direction: 山本隆太 || Yamamoto Ryuta
Animation Director(s): Noh Gil-bo



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[spoiler=Episode 27 preview]

$10 says they're making these 'Electric' "Motor Worms" generic DARK Fiends like they did to Helixxes




[spoiler=or maybe not]

Might be DARK Machines, because let's face it, Machines don't have Links right now [well, at least any legal ones]. Vyra broke this mold the last two weeks with Zombies, so...


Let's just see how they work out and if we can start analyzing them as a full set.






27: Naoki has no business in here, unless he's a talented duelist like he claims to be. Odds of him winning are near zero. 


28: Yeah, he (Naoki) loses and then Yusaku gets his Link Summons locked off. Now let's assume he is incapable of summoning NON-Link monsters. 


29: Probably something related to the data they found out. This damn well better not be a recap episode. 


30: Likely related to that seed Dr. Kogami dropped or a bigger fight against Revolver and his henchmen.



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(Suppose it's busy time or something, as I do hate triple posting.)

To be fair you are a mod, so it's not as bad. I do think peoples were busy though, myself included


[spoiler=Thoughts on VRAINS 25]

- Kek, Kitamura got bashed online following previous events

- Baira and the other KoH bloke chat about the possible implications should Kogami's plan be implemented (it being a cyber crime and all), and despite Baira being the mastermind behind Anothers, even she'd feel guilty (which I do appreciate tbph).

- Ema tells Aoi that if she can't take responsibility for her actions, then she should stop being Blue Angel (I guess that's one way to motivate someone)

- Turns out the Anothers virus is an enhanced version of the virus that infected Aoi a while back

- Baira had done her homework on Aoi's deck it seems, interesting.

- Not gonna lie, it feels really weird seeing someone else use Temple of the Kings, considering it was associated with Odion.




[spoiler=Thoughts on VRAINS 26]

- Aoi got lucky Baira didn't draw any traps, though the cards she drew were ancient as funk (specifically the first two).

- Yusaku decides to break into Baira/Kyoko's gaff (note: gaff is slang over here for house) to ask her what she knows about Hanoi, only to find her logged into Link Vrains

- Aoi managed to make a comeback, and her new stuffs aren't bad

- Kyoko ended having a change of heart and distributed the remmoval program for the Anothers, though as a result she ended up getting purged by Hanoi.




[spoiler=Thoughts on preview]

I also think Naoki is going to lose, he's pretty much comic relief anyway.

Dat Steelswarm Hercules though.



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I kind of stopped doing these, don't feel like it anymore to be honest, but had to comment on this, because it's hilarious to see Shima actually duel...and funking win. Good god, why is he in this show? Well, Playmaker has to save him now, probably means his identity will be revealed to Shima. It is interesting that he somehow lost the data for Cyberse Wizard.



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[spoiler=VRAINS 027]

  • OK Naoki, you just won by sheer luck (because opponent was stupid enough to burn 3K on Soul Charge and make a 3200 ATK 'mon that cannot do anything).
    • Now how he got Cyberse Wizard's data remains unknown. (Can assume that Ai probably did something)
  • Yusaku called him out for lack of skill and courage, and it showed when Naoki buckled in front of Faust. 
  • Something about both of them getting sheet hands and then relying on KoH to use Hand Destruction to get a better one. 
  • Ai modified Yusaku's disk to find Naoki.




Overall, meh. 

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I found the duel to be pretty hilarious. I really appreciate that Yugioh can still laugh at itself and actually show old cards once in a while (even if for a joke with players so bad that couldn't even showcase their decks' strategies).

I also chuckled a little bit at how shameless this was at NOT going into an Xyz with a deck from that era and 3 Level 5s on the field.


I also liked the moments with Yusaku's crew. Ignis is more of a teammate now and the three genuinely play off each other well. I like the characters messing around a little more than I like watching their duels to be honest..... 





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