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Future Fusion (Errata)

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Future Fusion (Errata)

Continuous Spell Card

(1) During your next Standby Phase after this card’s activation: Reveal 1 Fusion Monster in your Extra Deck, and if you do, send the Fusion Materials for that Fusion Monster from your Deck to the Graveyard.

(2) During your 2nd Standby Phase after this card’s activation: Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster with the same name as the monster you revealed with this card’s (1) effect from your Extra Deck. When this card leaves the field, destroy that monster. When that monster is destroyed, destroy this card.

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Sounds too slow, especially when the competitive scene takes care of their needs through Brilliant Fusion anyways, but as the casual player I am, I'm happy with it. It is fair to wait an extra turn when you are still essentially gonna get all the mills it could do in the past. I don't see any Chimeratech Overdragons beating face any time soon but it'll be hilarious if somebody gets that done to them.

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If your opponent plays this, it's your number 1 job to either win or remove this before ending your turn. NBD, but it just puts a nice amount of pressure on your opponent and potentially protects your set backrow.

Wait, Future Fusion is a Continuous Spell Card? Either there's some mandela effect going on, or I am the only one who thought it was a Field Spell Card all this time.

Lolno, it was always Continuous. If it was searchable by Terraforming, it would have been broken

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Wait, Future Fusion is a Continuous Spell Card? Either there's some mandela effect going on, or I am the only one who thought it was a Field Spell Card all this time.


Maybe you are thinking on Fusion Gate. Which had its own thing going on back around the same time.

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I'm...actually okay with this errata. It still does the exact same things, but it just changes when it mills the cards. You activate this and it just looks cute. On your next turn's Standby, send the Fusion Materials. On the 2nd turn's Standby, Fusion Summon.

except there is no next turn when you mill either all Machine-Type monsters, all Infernoids or 5 dragons

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I don't like it because I was REALLY hoping for it to be the same as the original but require all named materials. So you could use it for SUPER VEHICROID - STEALTH UNION!!!! but not Chimeratech Overdragon.


Instead it's just a win button IF your opponent doesn't remove it. So basically a better Destiny Board, lol


EDIT: Still definitely running it though when it comes to the TCG

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Will this card work with Starve Venom? I wasn't entirely sure since Venom says material has to be on field for it's fusion summon


Minor mistake on ABCs, you'd have to play Cydra to use this card, it's not the end of the world, but kinda works like garnet there


Nope, it wouldn't. The Materials weren't on the Field. It'd follow the same logic as why you can't use Dragon's Mirror (on Graveyard Materials) or Poly on Materials in the hand.


And while I recognize that the mass mill is game-winning, the delay is going to be a big deal. You pretty much are announcing your plan and your opponent can stop you relatively easily, considering the plethora of removal.

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Nope, it wouldn't. The Materials weren't on the Field. It'd follow the same logic as why you can't use Dragon's Mirror (on Graveyard Materials) or Poly on Materials in the hand.


And while I recognize that the mass mill is game-winning, the delay is going to be a big deal. You pretty much are announcing your plan and your opponent can stop you relatively easily, considering the plethora of removal.

That severely cripples it's usage in a lot of decks. It was about to become pretty funking good in BA and PKBA


FHD- Dragons

Tierra- Infernoids

Overdragon - Machines, ABC mainly, but demise Kozmo intrigue me 


are the only relevant ones I can think of


Heros, Shaddolls, and Eidolon could maybe work too. But Heros have better ways to mill Shadow Mist/Relevant D-Heros

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That severely cripples it's usage in a lot of decks. It was about to become pretty funking good in BA and PKBA


FHD- Dragons

Tierra- Infernoids

Overdragon - Machines, ABC mainly, but demise Kozmo intrigue me 


are the only relevant ones I can think of


Heros, Shaddolls, and Eidolon could maybe work too. But Heros have better ways to mill Shadow Mist/Relevant D-Heros


And now I realize why Starve Venom has that Summon Condition. You'd be able to tech Poly and D-Mirror into random DARK Decks like BA and other Graveyard focused DARK archetypes. Starve Venom would actually be extremely dangerous under those circumstances.

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And now I realize why Starve Venom has that Summon Condition. You'd be able to tech Poly and D-Mirror into random DARK Decks like BA and other Graveyard focused DARK archetypes. Starve Venom would actually be extremely dangerous under those circumstances.

I dunno why they made it super-poly compatible in retrospect. Could have added a "your side" in the field requirement.


I'll give Konami the benefit of the doubt and say the predicted Heros, Darklords, and Kozmos, and engineered this as an out

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I don't like it because I was REALLY hoping for it to be the same as the original but require all named materials. So you could use it for SUPER VEHICROID - STEALTH UNION!!!! but not Chimeratech Overdragon.

Omg, im a big fan of Stealth Union back then when im still learning to play YGO, playing nds version of YGO games (stardust accelerator/over the nexus iirc), Chain Material + Vehicroid Fusion Spell = Stealth Union, good times indeed~


OT: With Left Hand Offering exist, increasing the chance of getting Future Fusion in hand, not that its a good/safest play to begin with while you can add another Spell instead.

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I dunno why they made it super-poly compatible in retrospect. Could have added a "your side" in the field requirement.


I'll give Konami the benefit of the doubt and say the predicted Heros, Darklords, and Kozmos, and engineered this as an out


Because they WANTED it to be Super Poly compatible. That's why they outright gave Yuri Super Poly. It adds another dimension to his Dueling style and how Starve Venom is seemingly more dangerous than the other Dragons.

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While the errata is interesting, I dunno how comfortable I am with a "Destroy this card immediately or lose next turn" card being around. You either bait out destruction/removal, or you get the mill you want. It's still pretty win/win to be perfectly frank.

Bait isn't a win scenario

If this baits it's actually just a card that didn't do anything, unlike actual bait cards like Trap flud

And spot removal is available to rank 3, rank 4, rank 8, Synch 6+, and basically every Fusion deck that's remotely relevant so

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