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YCMer murders his boyfriend, mails body parts across Canada, also murders kittens

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Dammit Winter this is the worst thread to flirt with Beatrice in.


Man. Never trust a guy who posts black and white pics I guess.

I wonder who from here, if anyone, talked with this guy.

Nobody talked to him but, again, he lived and this all happened twenty minutes away from where I live. The Homolka case is way bigger though.


Also, I like the compliments.

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well that's something to keep in the bookmarks tab. i remember one time sifting through the picture thread, and i saw that image, and figured the guy was a few steps short of getting the authentic serial killer look, guess i wasn't too far off.


geez, hopefully nobody else brings more of this kind of fame to ycm in the future.

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Just noticed this thread, almost got heart attack because of reasons, but apparently he wasn't really active on YCM as much as I thought.


Though it almost felt like it wouldn't be that surprising to have a serial killer actually lurking around in this site while being active.

Yeah, he has like 2 posts and I have no clue what the other one is supposed to be. He hardly qualifies as a YCMer.

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I feel that almost EVERYONE thought this was a Miscellaneous thread. I saw the title, then sort of stared at it in puzzlement thinking "Why is that in General?"


You mean this actually funking happened?!


My thoughts exactly.  To think one of our own was a nutcase like this, isn't surprising.  It's surprising that it happened without us knowing sooner.

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Tbqh I just thought I'd look through the picture thread for retrospective, found him on the first page along with funny quotes like "Thread has been made, inb4lock" (and it's now coming up on 300 pages), a kawaii picture of J-Max ^_^, and then there was Luka Magnotta (the name didn't click at first though I thought it sounded familiar or that he was posing as a celebrity or something), so I googled it. Then I saw the discrepancy with the dates, that the picture was a couple years before his infamy. It's also worth noting that Magnotta was a serious narcissist with a heavy online and social media presence including ~70 Facebook pages and 20 websites


Beatrice also since made the point that the picture links to a Photobucket with other pictures of him and pictures of Karla Homolka (an accomplice to serial killer Paul Bernardo) whom Magnotta had a thing for and made false claims he was in a relationship with her.


I see such people as pitiful, weak and sick. He's an extreme case of the very worst sickness the human condition can suffer. By the same coin, that such a singular embodiment of that sickness felt prompted to sign up here and post is notable as a sort of absurd footnote in the history of an otherwise wholesome and inconspicuous community devoted to the theoretical expansion of a children's card game. It's laughable to think of, much like the ridiculous everyday fictions from the Misc section, but at the same harrowingly not because it's all too real.


I wonder what else can be dug up here! :P

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Dammit Winter this is the worst thread to flirt with Beatrice in.


Man. Never trust a guy who posts black and white pics I guess.

I wonder who from here, if anyone, talked with this guy.

I now have even more reason to cringe at my friends' black and white selfy feeds on instagram.

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Well I for one and well and truly spooked.


Has his profile been archived? I'd like to do some digging.


He only had 2 posts to his name on this account, including the picture one Polar Ice linked to. I don't think he added anything else to his profile (considering he never logged on past early Sep 2010).



(Should be open, but yeah, you won't find much about him here)


Only posts I found connected to his name are this one and that picture of him; that's it. 

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I'm always surprised by the amount of notable people we get on this website. Considering the small userbase, and how the website is kinda niche. Either way I also thought this was a misc thread when I first saw the title, I thought it was gonna be one of those CowCow posts. Still this is both interesting and also creepy...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Things point at his apparent obsession with creating pages dedicated to himself.

It surprises me that YCM would be one of the sites he'd choose of all places. Maybe he didn't care about what site it was as long as he was in there.


What a tragedy. The victim was only a visitor as an exchange student. Thinking of how things might have gone down makes me nauseous.


This is an interesting coincidence. I just added the thread to my follows.

Like many, I clicked to see what the thread was doing in this section xD
Then proceeded to for a second think the OP was walking of himself. Took me a while.

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