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Synchro monster summon conditions?


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Hi, I've been reading the YGO Wiki, and this is what it says about Synchro monsters (and how they are summoned):


"Synchro Monsters require Tuner Monsters to be Summoned. When the total Level of the Tuner monster and the other monsters on your field matches the Synchro monster's Level, by sending them to the Graveyard, you can Summon the Synchro monster."


Does this mean that the total levels of the tributed monsters must match the level of the Synchro monster exactly? (Unlike a ritual monster where you can go slightly over the ritual level if the circumstances allow it).


If so, this means that people need to be very careful when making new Synchro monsters - otherwise they might be a little too easy or too difficult to summon!

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synchros (white-border monster cards) need tuner monsters to be summoned from the extra deck (fusion deck)

If the total levels of a tuner monster & any no. of non-tuner monsters equals to the level of the synchro monster,you can send them to the graveyard to summon them.


and to answer your question,yes,it does & the levels need to at least reach that much.

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and to answer your question' date='yes,it does & the levels need to at least reach that much.



My question wasn't asking if they need to reach at least the level of the Synchro monster, it was asking if they need to be exactly equal to the level of the Synchro monster. Everything I have read about them suggests the latter rather than the former... but thanks for your input all the same. :) Is there any official documentation of these monster available in English yet?

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I'm pretty sure it's exactly' date=' or they'd be too easy to summon.



My thoughts precisely! But I've yet to find an official and definitive answer to this question... any ideas / links?


If it is exactly, then I think a lot of the Synchro monsters we've seen on the boards here so far will need to be re-designed with more realistic levels and tribute conditions.

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The YGO Wiki you posted at the top is an official answer and the Synchro monster cards say "1 Tuner monster + 1 or more non-Tuner monster(s)" on them. So in short, "When the total Level of the Tuner monster and the other monsters on your field matches the Synchro monster's Level" means that the Level has to be Exact in order to work.

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Thanks for your input :)


Remember that Wiki's are just written by people like you and me - they don't seem to be citing any official reference. Although Wiki's can be very informative, you mustn't take everything on them to be the absolute truth - some dubious contributors can let opinions slip in amongst the facts...


For instance, take Wikipedia as an example - there have been many stories in the news in the past about kids failing exams because they've used Wikipedia as their source of infomation, and it's turned out to be incorrect.


Still looking for an official answer :( ... Thanks ever so much for your time everyone.

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