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Time Travel Discussion


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Dartz10's Weekly Discussions


Hi everyone from now on I will be posting an interesting idea, theory, website, etc., every week.


The point is to have fun discussing these topics and building up the online community.


Today's topic: Time Travel, and It's after effects



So here's my main reasoning. If you travel through time in any way you then create an alternate timeline. Now it may be true that traveling back in time would cause bigger changes than traveling forward would, due to the fact that more energy would be needed to go against the time stream, causing a bigger ripple in the space-time continuum. But back to my main point. Time traveling creates an alternate timeline. Which means that at the very moment time traveling capabilities are achieved, the possibilities for a nearly infinite amount of new timelines is created. I'll compare this to potential energy. potential space-time energy would have been building up for several years at least up to the creation of a "time machine." But, some weird things are going to happen once you use your time machine.


Lets consider this scenario:

You finally created a working time machine, it's all fired up and ready to go. So now that you have your time machine you decide to go watch yourself being born. You go back, and without notice watch your birth and your gone back to your own time. So you're home, you didn't let anyone see you and you didn't change any events in the timeline right?


Wrong. By simply being in a time that you should not you caused damage to the space-time continuum. Not only that, you probably picked up a few microbes, and may have even stepped on a bug while you were in the past. You also brought microbes from the present into the past. How could such small changes lead to a major disturbance in the timeline? The answer is they will not change your timeline at all. However, you did not travel into your timeline. In order to correct the paradox in the space-time continuum a new timeline was created for you to enter. Mind blowing right? well when you think about it the rules of space-time would probably not let you alter you're own past or future. So it simply creates an alternate timeline for you to go into do what you please and then go home, the only reason you got back to your original timeline is most likely because of the home coordinate settings you had on your time machine. so it may be by complete accident that you got home to your own timeline. Or it could simply be the rules of space-time again not letting you change your past or future. There are a lot of crazy hypothetical situations to consider here so I'm trying to cover the possible reasons for everything.


Now let me get back to my main theory again.

The very moment you fire up your time machine again and go home you create a huge ripple in the space-time continuum, you nearly rip a hole in it. The reason is this, you just created a virtually infinite number of new timelines. Because of the microbes you took back with you, someone either does, or doesn't die from a sickness. Because you squashed a bug, a food chain goes out of balance. This changes things in the timeline you entered before, possibly causing you in this new timeline to take different microbes from your present to the past. The list goes on and on. but my point is, every little change causes different variables to be in place when your alternate self on one of the timelines travels through time. Infinite different series of events are created, all from the very first time that someone achieved time travel.


Leave your comments, critique my theories and think about it!

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I'm going to be the no-fun jabroni because I like actual real science and take issue with your premise.


 If you travel through time in any way you then create an alternate timeline.



This isn't how time travel works. There's no way time travel 'works' because it's impossible.


The past does not exist on a physical level, therefore it's impossible to travel to it.


This is, incidentally, also why faster-than-light movement is likely impossible. Moving FTL would cause you to go to the past, but because the past doesn't exist, you hit a wall that you can't break through. 

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Thanks for your comment. I see your point here. My theory here has a lot of loopholes, and general holes. however it is based on the grounds that it is possible to achieve said time travel. It is also based largely on the concept of space-time. So while I agree that time travel is impossible, my theory is only applicable in a hypothetical situation.

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I'm going to be the no-fun jabroni because I like actual real science and take issue with your premise.




This isn't how time travel works. There's no way time travel 'works' because it's impossible.


The past does not exist on a physical level, therefore it's impossible to travel to it.


This is, incidentally, also why faster-than-light movement is likely impossible. Moving FTL would cause you to go to the past, but because the past doesn't exist, you hit a wall that you can't break through.


This is full of sheet


I'll give you a hint, eleastic collision between a type 1 tachyon and a bradyon

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Really? I thought that was a somewhat-accurate simplification of how it worked.


pls educate, I hate having holes in my knowledge



Imaginary Mass, Real Energy, Travels FTL


Braydon is stuff like you and me


Real Mass, Real Energy, SLS


Collision would create and unstable fusion with complex mass (like 2+i)


But decomposition might not break down to the original two particles so you could theoretically "bump" a normal matter particle into light speed if the abz mass of the two were the same (like 1+i)


As masses get larger, probability for a complete crossover exponentially die


A collision could probs move an electron, would kill a human 

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So you find a way to exploit such a possibility without dying, and then you could probably time travel. cool. thanks for the comment




So with it established that time travel could, maybe, be possible, do you agree that an alternate timeline would be created in order to correct the time paradox?

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what if you had the technology to transmit the data of your atomic makeup through some other particles that could survive and then build you again?

Well the make-up COULD be the same, but it'd be like breaking you down to each individual subunit, and building you back up


The bigger you are, the more chance all the puzzle pieces don't end up in the right spot


Even if they did, it goes back to the Ship of Theseus

Mass/Energy is gonna be conserved in the decomposition


As is momentum


That's all you know

well charge and color too, but let's assume non-charged parts

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about the ship of theseus. Wall-e will serve as an example that you can change all the parts and have the same thing. this may seem like a random example but I think there is a video on youtube by The Super Carlin Brothers about it If you want go check it out.



it's called something like wall-e and the ship of theseus paradox

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Imaginary Mass, Real Energy, Travels FTL


Braydon is stuff like you and me


Real Mass, Real Energy, SLS


Collision would create and unstable fusion with complex mass (like 2+i)


But decomposition might not break down to the original two particles so you could theoretically "bump" a normal matter particle into light speed if the abz mass of the two were the same (like 1+i)


As masses get larger, probability for a complete crossover exponentially die


A collision could probs move an electron, would kill a human 

ty for enriching my scentific knowledge

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ty for enriching my scentific knowledge

1) I feel like must preface, tachyons are allowed under both general and special relativity, we also have not caught any yet. It would be nobel prize worthy if you did. Just saying Dartz's dream of killing his sorta grandfather could happen


2) Don't try this at home

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2) Don't try this at home

Instructions not clear, my dick is stuck in a toaster.




"...The grandfather paradox is impossible.

In fact, all paradox is impossible. The Everett–Wheeler–Graham or multiple world theory is correct.

All possible quantum states, events, possibilities, and outcomes are real, eventual, and occurring.

The chances of everything happening someplace at sometime in the superverse is 100%."


-John Titor

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