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Literally nothing.  Because Youtube is a massive, multi-million dollar corporation looking to constantly increase their profits.  There's nothing to discuss, because there's nothing you can do.  Just watch the videos you like and move on.

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Well, You Tube offers various videos ranging from early childhood, like educational contents, to adults only. Even with the rules and restrictions, many people tend to break the rules for popularity. The best thing we can do is to filter the essential videos, choose them according to our needs. Watch what you really need to watch and make sure it's content is age friendly, or at least appropriate for your age...especially not one fully inhabited by gore

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Watch the vids and discuss the subjects and problems in them. What's happening on YT? What can we do about it?



Uh in the first video Mark appears to be referencing "youtube drama channels", specifically Dramaalert, run by the infamous Keemstar. I suppose exploiting the problems of internet celebrities is questionable it wouldn't exactly be a huge violation of Youtube's policies. Keemstar though should be banned in theory due to other, more sinister instances of ToS violation and possibly legal ones as well. 

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