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Time to meet ya.


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I'm so glad to be here. Yugioh has taken my life by storm, and I am in love with the game. It is so great to be with others who enjoy the game as much as I do. I have been here for a few weeks, trying to figure the nitty gritty of this site out. So I guess it's time to say...



Hello YCMF! And welcome to many more to come.

Thank you for this site.

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You're a bit late for an intro, but still within the limits of a new member. 


Anyway, welcome to YCM.

Hopefully by now, you've at least read the rules and stuff. If you haven't, make sure you do. 


If you post in CC (and I think I've seen you in there a few times), just know how to tell the difference between Casual and Advanced, and design accordingly. If you opt for TCG, try to have an understanding of the content in question (you're not required to be competitive savvy, but be mindful of interactions and some other stuff). Anime-wise, we have the ARC-V thread. 


If you need help, feel free to ask. 

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