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Ryusei the Morning Star

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I don't care about the means if you get results


That's the standard

Our president should not tolerate the horrors Castro committed


The only tragedy in Castro's death is that it happened several decades too late and that his legacy of terror and cruelty lives on.


MP Corbyn, PM Trudeau, and President Obama should read about how this monster had men shot down boats with Women and Children and casually watched as the children drowned and were eaten by sharks

Oh you don't say. Maybe next time you decide to post a thread on a dictator looking to make a statement, either make sure that statement actually lines up with your views (lest your posts make it look like you're either trying to rile sheet up or whatever you could hope to accomplish saying crap you don't believe in) or do some actual research on what the individual in question did and what he accomplished before just spouting whatever comes to mind.


As far as Castro goes, his actions are more or less par the course with any revolutionary in history. Charismatic individual rises up to overthrow person or party in question (Batista, who was much worse for the country as a whole), ruling party is overthrown, then a brutal new regime is put into place that involves many harsh policies in a period of unrest as they deal with the supporters of the old regime and establish their power. It happened with the French Revolution, Oliver Cromwell, etc. the list goes on. So not only was Castro par the course for what goes on in a revolution, he was actually wildly successful in his. Not only did he manage to overthrow the ruling party and establish his own government, he maintained his power and control for almost 50 years before willingly transferring control to his vice president.


Of course Cuba wasn't doing so hot economically; because the US didn't support him. Right, the US; see, they wanted someone like Batista in power, who was by and far much worse, because while the US supported Batista they were given control over 40% of the sugar plantains, and then 90 and 80% control over mines and oil production. So when Castro rises to power and promises that the Cuban industry remains for Cuba, the US doesn't like this because they want control over Cuba's resources. So in exchange, they attempt to assassinate Castro multiple times and impose an economic blockade. In the meantime, there's a mass emigration from Cuba, because obviously not everyone supports Castro (this emigration involves mostly doctors/engineers/professionals while the people that supporting Castro are of the working and lower classes). However, that was way back in the 1950-60's. Over time, Cuba's economy grew because now they had control over Cuba's resources and industry.


Castro was an awful person who still committed some wrong doing, but it's important to understand his role in Cuban history and the impact he had on the nation. I can't say I support him because of the awful things he's done, but I also can't ignore what he actually has done for Cuba, which as a country they're definitely better off in the long run for his actions in liberating them.

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Of course Cuba wasn't doing so hot economically; because the US didn't support him. Right, the US; see, they wanted someone like Batista in power, who was by and far much worse, because while the US supported Batista they were given control over 40% of the sugar plantains, and then 90 and 80% control over mines and oil production. So when Castro rises to power and promises that the Cuban industry remains for Cuba, the US doesn't like this because they want control over Cuba's resources. So in exchange, they attempt to assassinate Castro multiple times and impose an economic blockade. In the meantime, there's a mass emigration from Cuba, because obviously not everyone supports Castro (this emigration involves mostly doctors/engineers/professionals while the people that supporting Castro are of the working and lower classes). However, that was way back in the 1950-60's. Over time, Cuba's economy grew because now they had control over Cuba's resources and industry.


No, batista was not even close to the castro brothers, the castros were COMMUNISTS, backed by the soviet union who hated any sort of private businesses, jailed and mass executed more people, had quite literally explicitly said they wanted to drop nukes on the USA(Raul even said he wanted to drop 3 nukes on NY) AND lied about being at threat of invasion to the soviet union to provoke them to start a nuclear war.


Batista was bad, sure, but castro was a doubled down Batista + Communism + Nuclear threats + cuban missile crisis + significantly more death and murder and even prevented people from leaving as hard as possible.

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Oh you don't say. Maybe next time you decide to post a thread on a dictator looking to make a statement, either make sure that statement actually lines up with your views (lest your posts make it look like you're either trying to rile sheet up or whatever you could hope to accomplish saying crap you don't believe in) or do some actual research on what the individual in question did and what he accomplished before just spouting whatever comes to mind.


As far as Castro goes, his actions are more or less par the course with any revolutionary in history. Charismatic individual rises up to overthrow person or party in question (Batista, who was much worse for the country as a whole), ruling party is overthrown, then a brutal new regime is put into place that involves many harsh policies in a period of unrest as they deal with the supporters of the old regime and establish their power. It happened with the French Revolution, Oliver Cromwell, etc. the list goes on. So not only was Castro par the course for what goes on in a revolution, he was actually wildly successful in his. Not only did he manage to overthrow the ruling party and establish his own government, he maintained his power and control for almost 50 years before willingly transferring control to his vice president.


Of course Cuba wasn't doing so hot economically; because the US didn't support him. Right, the US; see, they wanted someone like Batista in power, who was by and far much worse, because while the US supported Batista they were given control over 40% of the sugar plantains, and then 90 and 80% control over mines and oil production. So when Castro rises to power and promises that the Cuban industry remains for Cuba, the US doesn't like this because they want control over Cuba's resources. So in exchange, they attempt to assassinate Castro multiple times and impose an economic blockade. In the meantime, there's a mass emigration from Cuba, because obviously not everyone supports Castro (this emigration involves mostly doctors/engineers/professionals while the people that supporting Castro are of the working and lower classes). However, that was way back in the 1950-60's. Over time, Cuba's economy grew because now they had control over Cuba's resources and industry.


Castro was an awful person who still committed some wrong doing, but it's important to understand his role in Cuban history and the impact he had on the nation. I can't say I support him because of the awful things he's done, but I also can't ignore what he actually has done for Cuba, which as a country they're definitely better off in the long run for his actions in liberating them.

Can you tell me how Castro was better than Batista please?


I'm not sure why you're acting like this is a new view. I'm a pragmatist, if a communist or fascist gets what I view as the end goal done, I'll praise him/her the same as I would a democratically elected leader


Castro's men took pleasure in killing women and children, and at the end of the day they don't have anything to show for it. Stalin wasn't above killing children, but I haven't seen many account of the KGB enjoying that kinda blood sport. 


As for America not backing Cuba. Russia has 1 winter port, and has 80% of it's mass as frozen wasteland. And America sure as hell wasn't helping them out, yet Russia succeeded. Cuba has all the opportunity it needs to make new trade partners. Castro's form of communism was flawed, and he was cruel without results.


So I condemn him. I don't like how the USSR treated it's citizens, but that's forgivable given it's results

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Can you tell me how Castro was better than Batista please?


I'm not sure why you're acting like this is a new view. I'm a pragmatist, if a communist or fascist gets what I view as the end goal done, I'll praise him/her the same as I would a democratically elected leader


Castro's men took pleasure in killing women and children, and at the end of the day they don't have anything to show for it. Stalin wasn't above killing children, but I haven't seen many account of the KGB enjoying that kinda blood sport. 


As for America not backing Cuba. Russia has 1 winter port, and has 80% of it's mass as frozen wasteland. And America sure as hell wasn't helping them out, yet Russia succeeded. Cuba has all the opportunity it needs to make new trade partners. Castro's form of communism was flawed, and he was cruel without results.


So I condemn him. I don't like how the USSR treated it's citizens, but that's forgivable given it's results

And what exactly would be an "account" of them enjoying it? You can't say for sure if they did or didn't. And what even is the "end goal" YOU view? Like how does this work? Your morals sound really vague. Because it sounds like "As long as they win" which is a really weird reasoning. Because the end goal obviously isn't "Citizens doing well" or "People being happy".

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