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Ryusei the Morning Star

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Becuase him not being the ruler doesn't magically disappear his influence


no, it means that there's no change in the government's structure, the people who've been in power for the past 8 years are still going to be in power, and if history has told us literally anything at all, it's that a person doesn't doesn't magically disappear his influence, and that this event is unlikely to make any difference to the policies and direction that the country is taking.


So yeah, this isn't going to make a difference.

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President-Elect Trump's statement on the passing of Prime Minister Castro





President Obama's statement on the passing of Prime Minister Castro





I agree with this sentiment 



And this one is disgusting 





As is this one



Thank god for America


MP Corbyn, PM Trudeau, and President Obama should read about how this monster had men shot down boats with Women and Children and casually watched as the children drowned and were eaten by sharks

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I am absolutely emotional right now. I don't usually feel this way over celebrity deaths, but I knew that, when this would happen, it would hit hard.


Rest in Peace.

The only tragedy in Castro's death is that it happened several decades too late and that his legacy of terror and cruelty lives on.



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The president can't exactly afford to be so blunt about things such as these. Hopefully Trump realizes how important his words are going to be soon and doesn't completely funk us over by saying the wrong thing about the wrong person.

Our president should not tolerate the horrors Castro committed


Good on PEOTUS trump for standing his ground

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Our president should not tolerate the horrors Castro committed


Good on PEOTUS trump for standing his ground

You're not understanding. There's a difference between tolerating and being cautious.

If something ends up happening because Trump "stood his ground" I, for one, won't think "Well gee at least he said what was on his mind and that's what's important".

I get the immediate feeling of satisfaction of it but in the long run it's just not very smart.

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Okay I...wait. Do you honestly think that Trump's presidency won't be filled with mocking and laughing from both political and non-political people? Because it's going to happen. And it's going to be a rough ride. No amount of Trump saying what he thinks (which he's proven to actually not do often) will prevent that.

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Nah, I admire Stalin. I can understand why you would admire Castro, I just don't


So, you hate Castro for being a humanitarian sinkhole, yet Stalin's a-okay.


"Dude, I hate these green apples for being so sour, but man these lemons are so good"


Like, okay you're free to admire/dislike who you want, but at least have some frickin' consistency in your standards, dude.

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Maybe Cuba will be less of a humanitarian shithole now


yo there's this person called Chairman Mao. Forty years ago he died, and while his nation today is pretty different from his ideals, his influence lingers quite prominently even now.


Legacy dies hard. If you still exert so much power to influence things after you resign, your influence might as well last after your death.

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So, you hate Castro for being a humanitarian sinkhole, yet Stalin's a-okay.


"Dude, I hate these green apples for being so sour, but man these lemons are so good"


Like, okay you're free to admire/dislike who you want, but at least have some frickin' consistency in your standards, dude.

Silly VCR, Stalin succeeded. Castro didn't. Post Castro Cuba was still sheet. Post Stalin was a superpower

I don't care what you do if you get results

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Silly VCR, Stalin succeeded. Castro didn't. Post Castro Cuba was still sheet. Post Stalin was a superpower

I don't care what you do if you get results


stalin didn't inherit a small backwater country far away from major world affairs. a straight up comparison with that meter as the basis for their capabilities don't work with how much either leader's context differentiates their result.


USSR and Stalin was the right nation/man in the right spot by the time WW2 ended. Comparing the two is like comparing someone that was lent $100 and made a decently successful lemonade stand or whatever and someone that was lent $1mil or something proper and use it to start a fancy restaurant business. Numbers here are just figures but you get the idea of how much that background and context affects the result, even more than the person's own capabilities.


Not really trying to stop you from preferring Stalin over Castro or trying to defend Castro, but it's pretty silly to compare the two just like that.

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Silly VCR, Stalin succeeded. Castro didn't. Post Castro Cuba was still s***. Post Stalin was a superpower

I don't care what you do if you get results

A superpower where everyone could barely get food over 50 million people died, and were poorer than everything except African countries, and had no freedoms whatsoever. It was only a superpower for its nukes.

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stalin didn't inherit a small backwater country far away from major world affairs. a straight up comparison with that meter as the basis for their capabilities don't work with how much either leader's context differentiates their result.


USSR and Stalin was the right nation/man in the right spot by the time WW2 ended. Comparing the two is like comparing someone that was lent $100 and made a decently successful lemonade stand or whatever and someone that was lent $1mil or something proper and use it to start a fancy restaurant business. Numbers here are just figures but you get the idea of how much that background and context affects the result, even more than the person's own capabilities.


Not really trying to stop you from preferring Stalin over Castro or trying to defend Castro, but it's pretty silly to compare the two just like that.

True, but post-Tsarist Russia was a chaotic sheet show


I'm saying Stalin didn't have much to work with, and he still made something amazing out of it. Yeah, Russia had a lot more potential due to being Russia, but it's silly to brush over stalin's feats

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Silly VCR, Stalin succeeded. Castro didn't. Post Castro Cuba was still s***. Post Stalin was a superpower

I don't care what you do if you get results


Silly Winter, you miss the point of me calling you out on your s***. You're making a huge frickin' deal over how Castro was a monster and how Cuba was a humanitarian shithole (I mean, if you're going to make either accusation, at least look up who Castro overthrew so you don't quite sound like you just want Cuba to have another US puppet dictator again), yet Stalin was one of the most disgusting humans in all of history. The amount of s*** he did and the people he had killed over political paranoia make Hitler look like small time.


If you're going to complain about Castro being an unethical monster, don't go around and then say Stalin was a pretty cool guy, because there is absolutely no consistency in those standards. I'm not asking you to go "Wow hey that Castro was a pretty cool guy"; I'm saying if you're going to hate him, give me reasons that don't make you look like you have the biggest double-standard any human being could possibly have.


Basically put, if you don't care about methods (you really should when it comes to world leaders), then stop complaining about Castro doing anything disgusting and maybe put some effort into understanding Cuba's history; because for one, if you don't care about leaders being unethical and doing horrible things, then you have no reason to bring it up. And for two, it's frickin' annoying and makes you look really stupid when you go around pointing fingers at people for being unethical monsters and then say "Nah man, ends justify the means."

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