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Looking Back


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Probably a little late for a reminiscence, considering my one year anniversary of joining this site passed a few months ago, but seeing one person go who I used to know well and another who seemed to be well-known by the greater part of the community got me thinking about YCM. Heck, many people here have been present for almost a decade (maybe some as long as a decade), but that year for me has been one which I couldn't have expected.


I actually joined this site a few months before my actual presence on the forums, merely to make some absurdly broken cards and print them out, but after a period of moving back to my home IRL, I decided to try posting some cards here and seeing what people though of them. I had browsed some of the threads on the site but, sadly, had somehow missed the majority of the rule threads. How I managed to avoid breaking them I have no idea, but I started to post cards on this site for some CnC. As one would expect, this being the original main theme of this site, and, to be honest, I couldn't understand anything outside of the Custom Cards section. I had no intention of really becoming part of the community, just making better cards.


But now, as I've gotten to know so many of you, I'm so glad that I came on here. I mean sure, I managed to improve my card making skills and even got into games like MtG, but there's so many people here that I just can't imagine having not met. I've strayed outside of the custom cards forum into the actual game's discussion boards and even the RP section, without which I wouldn't have been able to meet several awesome people. I feel this site as a whole has become an integral part of my life, and I don't even know the more prominent members of this community that well. 


Yes, there have been downs as well as ups, and I can't testify to having been a great member. I mean sure, I abide by the rules, but quite often I lose my temper at certain members off the site. I have sometimes just gone with the flow of the rest of the popular at times, and have harbored many a negative personal opinion of a few members. Nobody's perfect, but I feel I can do better in the future.


This was originally meant to be a status, but after I began to write the words just started pouring out, and I just decided to post everything. I left out the [serious] tag, because, well, I don't feel its necessary. This is just me looking back on a time gone by, and looking forward to how I might continue to change. Feel free to say whatever below, if anything at all.


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