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Political Ideology

Ryusei the Morning Star

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Yeah, it's sad stuff, we're without a home again. Neither GOP nor Dems nor the Alt-Right represent us


I defend the president Elect passionately becuase for once someone speaks for us.


When certain people fearmonger against a man whom I see as the leader I've been waiting for, should I not defend him?


Should I be blackmailed into supporting that which I don't to appease the other side? And if so why?

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Yeah, it's sad stuff, we're without a home again. Neither GOP nor Dems nor the Alt-Right represent us


I defend the president Elect passionately becuase for once someone speaks for us.


When certain people fearmonger against a man whom I see as the leader I've been waiting for, should I not defend him?


Should I be blackmailed into supporting that which I don't to appease the other side? And if so why?


Yes, you can give yourself a label, but know that whatever label you give yourself you're going to have a predetermined reputation. So be "independent". You don't need to be part of a party. Being part of a party gives you a sense of belonging, but it doesn't validate your beliefs any more than being around yes-men. You can defend your President-elect, but admit his flaws. Maybe it might make it easier for your opponents to refute you, but be honest for ___'s sake. He's not some God on a pedestal where you must defend every single goddamn thing he says or does because you support him. And that last sentence makes no sense. No one is blackmailing you, they're giving their positions and persuading you and having an EDUCATED discussion? I don't see how that's a bad thing.


Presenting yourself as a supporter of a certain set of values, ideas, and opinions one at a time will generate much less friction than presenting yourself as a supporter of a certain label, which most likely has many values, ideas, and opinions that you don't believe in. But if you have to be part of a party or label, keep it to yourself, no one really wants to know whether you're a Democrat or Republican or Alt-Right or Tea Party or Green Party supporter unless it's some tl;dr discussion and you need to keep yourself simple.

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You're a bigot if you don't support x,y,z positions given the subjectivity involved with the word bigot is blackmail IMO. You get blacklisted if you don't toe the neo-liberal line


I am an independent. I left the democrats shortly after mailing my ballot in. I'll respond with an extra detail after I ask the mods what allowed to say in public

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You're a bigot if you don't support x,y,z positions given the subjectivity involved with the word bigot is blackmail IMO. You get blacklisted if you don't toe the neo-liberal line


I am an independent. I left the democrats shortly after mailing my ballot in. I'll respond with an extra detail after I ask the mods what allowed to say in public


Those that use the generic response of SIXHIRB: (Sexist, Intolerant, Xenophobic, Homophobic, Islamophobic, Racist, Bigoted) as their ONLY argument aren't worth your time anyways, for both sides of the spectrum, left and right. Those that offer a more detailed explanation as to why it's true are the ones you should be arguing against.


If I have to tip-toe a line for my political beliefs, I will, but I don't let it shift my views completely. I simply use more controlled and moderate language. I thought that was common sense. And I definitely don't point it out that I'm being controlled.

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I mean I agree with the left on other economic issues. I agree with a corporate tax break and tax break for people earning less than 250k. There were flaws with Trump's tax plan helping the 0.1%

So when the Treasure Sec confirms the 1% is gonna lose a lot of their traditional dedication (like for example the negative income filing Trump and Clinton used), and his partisan detractors still bash him, I'm not gonna stay silent

Nor should I




I so desperately want to work with the democrats, there are views that I won't compromise on, like Abortion. And I'm sure there are views on the left that they shouldn't compromise on (like same Sex marriage)


For example, Trump could cut a pretty good deal with the democrats, he won't repeal DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is an American immigration policy started by the Obama administration in June 2012 that allows certain undocumented immigrants to the United States who entered the country as minors to receive a renewable two-year period of deferred action from deportation) and won't undo Obama's executive actions w/ regards to DACA


In return the Democrats push the funding bill for the Wall through. 


The majority (70%) of Trump voters don't want to throw kids who have lived 99% of their lives in America out 


The majority of Clinton voters don't want open borders


The wall would employ workers in Cali, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas for the next 4-8 years easily and have a ripple effect through the US economy for steel and other things


It's a win win all over, but they won't do it. Instead they jabroni about Bannon day in and out


Democrats are doing the same thing I hated the GOP for doing. Anything Trump proposes needs to be shut down. And the people leading the charge are the neo-liberals like Bernie. Not moderate democrats like minority leader Schumer. Maybe I'm being bitter and vengeful, but the SAME PEOPLE who pushed me out of the democratic party, are now trying to make sure nothing gets done for the next 4 years. Call that jabroniing, and it is. But didn't see y'all complain when I ragged the GOP for doing so to Obama


This whole roll call of me never criticizing the GOP is really really stupid

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Why does Trump need democratic votes for anything nowadays?


The both the Upper and Lower Houes are Republican controlled, and the Supreme Court will be stacked in his favor. Once he is in office.


Yes, the gesture of the compromise is nice, but he doesn't need to do it. Which means he can force through the Wall in almost any manner he wishes to.


It is terrible for the Democrats to be obstrutionist, but unless I'm missing something about the voting process (Presumably some requirement for a 2/3's majority instead of a simple majority) Trump's ideas can't exactly get shut down unless his own party rebels. Which would be terrible thing in and of itself.


Also I would still be opposed to the .1% not paying there fair share of taxes even if they technically lost money. It's less about the specific wealth, and more about them not contributing to society as befits there wealth.

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52 Republicans isn't a good margin. 3 defectors and we're sunk. The GOP is also scummy and will try to pass thing like wiping out PEC (Pre-existing conditions) or Medicare  which Trump is opposed to 


Also you need 60 senators to override a filibuster, which you can be sure Berniecrats will do every single time. 1 Dem consistantly votes with the GOP, so 53 maybe. Not enough


Also because GOP likes the wall in concept, but not in practice since it would run the defecit up, so we would lose GOP senators. Dems will like infastructure spending and jobs programs. Trump has a better chance getting it passed with Schumer dems than traditional GOPers


Also goodwill goes a long way


2/3 is Vetos and Con Amendments. Which I can only see coming up if Trump really wants abortion or flag burning gone fast





Hold NV - Current GOP senator of NV wants to run for Gov, current GOP Gov of NV has a crazy high approval rating and is being termed out. Swap




IN - If Pence is competant, he can his state back


NM - Run Gov. Martinez 


FL - Run Gov. Rick Scott




OH - Run Gov. Kasich 

VA - Run current Rep of Loudoun County, Barbara Comstock (NOVA), carry Prince William and have Trump campaign in the SUVA to oust Kaine


Thing about VA. If you get Romney numbers in the North, and Trump numbers in the south, you sweep the state. Trouble is finding the candidate which can do that



MA - Run former Gov. and current Sec State Mitt Romney, oust Warren

Also Filibusters. In 2018, if the GOP runs the table and runs current GOP governors for senate after they've been termed out, then they can get a super majority in the senate


Also Texas might be a problem if Trump doesn't indeed put Cruz on SCOTUS


Cruz's approval rating tanked w/ GOP'er post his RNC game. Might be up again now though


No point contesting West Virgina, the democrat there is amazing. Anti-Abortion Democrats are typically pretty great people. Also Trump likes him

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