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The google autofill game.

DEStroyer of worlds!

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Based of thses:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLHeqkcn5RTd2yRlVREBmibgNH6rpxFF6


Basciclly how you play is you serch up a question and then a letter letting google fill it out for you and answer it acruatly-ish



poster 1: What can I do with a autofill

Poster 2: What can I do with a accouting degree?

Be an accouttent

Poster 3:What can I do with a bachoulor of arts



Must use letters in aplhabetical order.

If there is no result for the letter, state this and go to the next letter.

Do not skip letters.

If you post the answer to 'z' chose another question.


Why do I google autofill?

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