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I'm bored, how about an [AMA]

~British Soul~

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(First Post!) Now that I got that out of the way, are you British?

Yes, yes I am.


Opinion on the YCM mock election?


Opinion on the real US election?


How are you?


Opinion on Repgate? (lol nice try)


Top 3 favourite and least favourite subforums?

1. I haven't really been paying much attention to the YCM mock election, but it'll be interesting to see how it goes.

2. I don't really follow politics much tbph, so I can't form much of an opinion

3. I'm good thanks.

4. The whole Repgate thing is weird. A number of us having our 'hard-earned' reps disappear out of thin air. I checked this morning and a further 13 reps were taken away (I think I had 1391 reps at the start of the weekend, now I only have 1358). I do think Fusion Red's theory about someone unliking content is more plausible than a random mod changing the rep totals.

EDIT: I take back what I said about it being weird, I can understand why it happened now.

5. Obviously my least favourite subforum is "debates"

As for my favourite subforums, I'd say Miscellaneous, Anime/Manga and TCG


what kind of music do you like?

When I was at school, it was more or less pop/rock music, nowadays I've leaned more into J-pop as well.


What do you really think about me?


Spare me the whole "You're a nice guy" comment/routine; I'm honestly tired of always hearing that; seriously, it's always just left at that, and nothing else.

I feel that after how you've been recently, my perception of you has changed. You're certainly not 1-dimensional these days, you've shown a bit of depth and maturity, like a normal human (not that I doubted that you were).


What's your favourite Pokemon after the Sun & Moon generation? Not necessarily one of the new Pokemon; you can name a Pokemon from a previous generation that was buffed (stats, movepool, etc.) or became relevant, too.

At this moment in time, I don't think I can answer this as I have yet to play Sun/Moon.

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What is it that you liked most about the Delta Species era of the TCG?

Excellent question. I liked the backstory behind it and the fact that it was interesting to see the Pokémon with different types than normal. Also I liked how they fleshed it out over four sets, and the art used was pretty neat as well.

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