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[TCG] Stand in the Light (Lightsworn)


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This deck has a questionable power level and synergy between stuff is just off the charts. There's also little cruft. None of the cards in the deck are realistically dead aside from Vanity's, Twin Twister, and the hand traps, and almost every card can combo with each other, making for a very Synchron Turbo-like playstyle at times.
- The Zombie engine gives the deck another way to make Level 7 and 8 Synchro Monsters outside of Raiden, while still giving you easier access to Minerva and other Rank 4 monsters. It actually makes use of the Seraphinite from Brilliant Fusion and makes Omega stronger by giving it something of value to return to the graveyard.
- Fairy Tail - Snow is just amazing. It's pretty easy to get enough fodder for Snow thanks to Lightsworns, and it just enables so much. It can be used as early as turn 1 to make more Rank 4 or Level 7/8 Synchro monsters, and it can be used defensively as a BoM. It also has amazing synergy with Bujinki Amaterasu: You can bring back so many things on your turn such as Norden or Lumina that just snowball into more advantage, and you can also use it defensively during your opponent's turn by adding back a Maxx "C" or Ghost Reaper you banished (Uni-Zombie + Snow basically "searches" Ghost Reaper).
- Brilliant Fusion is a strong card that comes at the expense of Garnet, as always. However, with the addition of Uni-Zombie and Snow the synergy is too obvious to NOT add it in, and with so many powerful targets to mill (Snow being the main one, but there's also Wulf and Trick Clown) the chance of bricking doesn't stop it from being a best-in-slot engine.
- Lightsworns are a lot more consistent now. There's still the sacky feeling of milling a Wulf, but the engine is much more streamlined and between Solar Recharge and Charge of the Light Brigade you mill through the deck extremely fast. Lumina has lost value, but she's still a good option to have on hand. Lyla is there for the MST, as always.
- The other engine pieces are there to make Minerva as fast as possible. Thrasher was chosen because you can search it from RotA if you need to, and it's not a Normal Summon making it less vulnerable to Maxx "C" and Veiler. Alternatively, you can use Tin Goldfish to get Toadally Awesome access with Norden and Bahamut Shark. The deck is also chock-full of power spells meaning it's very easy to topdeck as well.


OK now I quit.

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