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Guess who? [AMA]

Nathanael D. Striker

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Me and the 1v1 section missed you, Detective Duck.

That means something, you know. At least Sakura has done a good job in my absence.

How did those countless papers and projects go?

I have an essay due the day after break, a couple of presentations and another paper due the week after that, and two papers and a couple of finals during the last week of the term. So, I hven't even cracked the surface especially since one project continues onto next term as it is my Senior Economics project.

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I have an essay due the day after break, a couple of presentations and another paper due the week after that, and two papers and a couple of finals during the last week of the term. So, I hven't even cracked the surface especially since one project continues onto next term as it is my Senior Economics project.


Ah well, at least you've made some progress.


Glad to have you back ^^

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Busy, grueling, tiring, etc. I'm amazed that I only just got sick last Saturday. X___X


TBH, I don't know how much I'll be around this break and next break. *shrugs*


And I've looked at it a bit, and it seems okay. Interesting concept to say the least. As for candidates, eh, no opinion tbh.


And you should know my three favorite: 1v1, Card Contests, and C/O in that order. As for least favorite, eh, TCG (mainly since I can never git gud with the time I have, but I respect the folks that do have the time to git gud), RP (same reason as TCG), and Q/A (for all the repeat questions that get shut down in a flash). But yea, least favorite isn't the "I hate these sections" group. Just not entirely my taste for the most part (doesn't mean I won't try and enter discussion in them).

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Damn, school sounds rough for you right now. What are you aiming for as a degree?

Yea. My Intro to Visual Culture has what amounts to weekly essays (2 pagers thank goodness, but still) with reading questions to boot. My Game Theory has presentations over the material the class had covered on almost a weekly basis (guess that's what happens when not a lot of people are in the class). My Intro to Programming class has weekly homework, but I'm somehow really good at that so it's not that bad. And finally, my Econometrics class is revolved around a year long Senior project with a presentation this term and a final paper on said research project due next term. And I'm going for a Double Major in Mathematics and Economics. I'm currently applying to Portland State University so I can potentially get a Master's in Statistics. Fun right?

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cool. i've taken java already. at least, the course offered by my high school.

taking ap java now. hopefully i'll get some college credits off the course.


do you enjoy java?

It's a good language to know. I do plan on taking another Programming course next term, so I'm looking forward to that.

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Yea. My Intro to Visual Culture has what amounts to weekly essays (2 pagers thank goodness, but still) with reading questions to boot. My Game Theory has presentations over the material the class had covered on almost a weekly basis (guess that's what happens when not a lot of people are in the class). My Intro to Programming class has weekly homework, but I'm somehow really good at that so it's not that bad. And finally, my Econometrics class is revolved around a year long Senior project with a presentation this term and a final paper on said research project due next term. And I'm going for a Double Major in Mathematics and Economics. I'm currently applying to Portland State University so I can potentially get a Master's in Statistics. Fun right?

rip striker


But hey, it'll all pay off one day, right?

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wow. me too. i'm doing python. what about you?


edit: oh... is it javascript? i'm dumb, right?

Most of the semester was Java. We just started HTML and JavaScript this past week.

rip striker


But hey, it'll all pay off one day, right?

Yea, RIP Striker.


And hopefully it does. I was hoping for a somewhat easy Senior year, but nope.

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Elephant in the room. Feelings on the election?

Not happy that Trump won. Actually, more shocked and dismayed tbh. Oregon mainly remained in Democrat control (except for Secretary of State which marks the first time in decades a Republican won a top position in Oregon). So, alright for most races but not the Presidency given the Republican trifecta that'll, sadly, change politics for the next generation.

why did you come back?

not that i didn't miss you, just curious.

Mainly came back to see how things were doing and assume my duties during break, though now I may be around more during the next break I have in a few weeks, so yay.

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Mainly came back to see how things were doing and assume my duties during break, though now I may be around more during the next break I have in a few weeks, so yay.




Not happy that Trump won. Actually, more shocked and dismayed tbh. Oregon mainly remained in Democrat control (except for Secretary of State which marks the first time in decades a Republican won a top position in Oregon). So, alright for most races but not the Presidency given the Republican trifecta that'll, sadly, change politics for the next generation.

who would you have wanted to win?

please don't say hillary.....

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Sorry Forest, but it was Hillary. I didn't like my options, but she was closer to interests. Stein was considered, but she wasn't viable.


@TheKing: I'm an old member that has done a few good things and a fair amount of not so good things.


@Dae: No.


@Winter: Pennsylvania and Michigan shocked me the most tbh.

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