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3 Dog

3 Pengu

3 Chain

3 Bear in the Big Blue House

1 Scissors

1 Owl


1 Shep

1 Octopussy

1 Cat

1 Rabbit

2 Bowtie

3 Patchwork

3 Norden

1 Miracle Fusion

1 Recovery

3 ability to play

1 Gospel of Revival

2 TwiTwi

1 Factory

3 Vendor


1 Starvenom

1 Dragostapeliailepatsogard

3 Sabre

2 Krakalackin'

1 Wolf

1 Tigger

1 Shep

1 Instant Fusion

1 Harbinger

1 Bahamut

1 Upstart



Have yet to summon Venom or Dragostapelia (though I've done only like 5-10 games vs actual people with it so far and for half of them YGOpro decided to remove Dragostapelia from my extra so I couldn't) and the Maxx Cs are proving more annoying than anything so I feel like dropping them and adding another Factory, which I'd like to draw into at least some of the time, and something else I don't know. There's no real reason to have Venom I just think it looks cool and there was a space.

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Cut the Venom for Tiger. Cute as it is, the need for a second tiger isn't that uncommon.


I still think Rabbit is really poor, because you never need more Fluffals. Sure, it gets back Sabres, but you rarely need to get that back, either.


Overall, seems fairly standard, with some personalized choices, though I do have to ask...


Why FurReborn? I get that it's searchable, and can even help the T1 boards, but it seems like overkill. Haven't tested it, but curious.

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Cut the Venom for Tiger. Cute as it is, the need for a second tiger isn't that uncommon.


I still think Rabbit is really poor, because you never need more Fluffals. Sure, it gets back Sabres, but you rarely need to get that back, either.


Overall, seems fairly standard, with some personalized choices, though I do have to ask...


Why FurReborn? I get that it's searchable, and can even help the T1 boards, but it seems like overkill. Haven't tested it, but curious.


Rabbit grabbing Sabres is important for me, especially just running the 1, because you do need it for Tiger and sometimes it'll get milled off Vendor or you'll have to use it turn 1 and then want to Tiger turn 3 or just any random scenario where you need it in hand. Aside from that, adding back Penguin/Dog/Bear can sometimes come up, and it's nice to have the option rather than hoping to rip the one Recovery.


For Reborn, because as you say it can help turn 1, but also turn 3. Say you make the Harbinger and whatever, it gets outed, next turn you can just pull back the Kraken for nothing and at the very least it will force a negation so you're free(er) to proceed.

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