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Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy

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2 Level 8 monsters
Once per turn, during either player's turn, when a Spell Card or effect is activated on the field: You can negate that effect, and if you do, attach that card to this card as Xyz Material. When an opponent's monster declares an attack: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; change the attack target to this card and perform damage calculation. If a face-up Xyz Monster(s) you control is destroyed by battle or card effect: You can target 1 face-up Xyz Monster you control; it gains ATK equal to 1 of those destroyed monster's original ATK.


Gotta say, the detach effect is actually relevant when paired next to other lock cards.

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In Zodiacs the attack reversion effect is actually useful if you're leftover with a leftover Zodiac Beast like Bullhorn or a baited Drancia. Problem is that people are shelling out the Bearman tech since it's only viable if you win the dice roll and it's weak to hand traps. And no one would be stupid to attack them while you own this unless they were born not to read. But going to Hope Harbinger is still okay to sit on against Pendulums or even Raigeki if any bothers to run it. Still generically a great R8.

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AFAIK its detach effect has always been relevant. For instance, in Blue-Eyes, to prevent anything from attacking Spirit Dragon first.

And yeah, this is such an amazing boon for the Rank8 pool; them having a lock monster with good stats for their Rank is such a blessing.

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