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Fusion Tag

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It's still not quite good yet, but it has a bunch of things going for it, based on how generic Fusions have become nowadays:


~Chimera Rafflesia

~Winda mainly, but decks that are based around Shek could also benefit


~Frightfur monsters (slap the frightfur name on Norden for example)

~Metalfoe Fusion monsters being slapped onto non-Metalfoe

~Lunalight (obv)

~Gladiator Beasts

~HERO (E and D)

While most of these examples only have niche benefits, the concept is there, and it can only continue to get better over time, as fusion monsters get more and more generic. Just in a few short months it's already gained a bunch of new targets, and judging by the way the game's been going, it's only going to get more.

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Getting more targets=/=becoming good, or even becoming useful

The idea of running this card is ideally that it should open up some form of versatility in that you can potentially go into any 1 of those above listed Fusions by revealing the appropriate one. But the versatility comes at a cost of Extra Deck space and an unsearchable cloggy -1.

In at least 5 of those examples you listed you would arguably be better off forgoing versatility entirely and just running a small engine from the appropriate archetypes instead.

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