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What are your news/information sources?

Fusion X. Denver

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I think it's become more important than ever to stay connected and to know everything that's going on so we can stay up to date and educated.


What sources do you usually go to for news and why those sites/publications? Is it all off social media, do you go searching for any coverage on a specific topic? Are there any you're skeptical of and avoid?


Please share, I'd love to have a pool of trustworthy resources and I doubt I'm the only one.


(I don't think this counts as advertising since we post links to news articles all the time, but correct me if I'm wrong).

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Breitbart - For the Conservative viewpoint on things. (Although I must say they use many citations and studies in their articles and they are surprisingly poignant.)


Bill Maher, Micheal Moore, Certain shows on MSNBC (Morning Joe, AllIn with Chris Hayes) For the Progressive Viewpoint.


Youtube for everything in between.

Never go all the way mate, never

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I really like this guy, Stefan Molyneux. His videos are very very long like an hour or two ish but he's not boring IMO and he's very very throughough and I go to him when a big scandal breaks out.




When I want to see what the left thinks in generalish I go to say, john oliver.


I just prefer to listen to news than read it, really.

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I used to read Breitbart and the New York Post but decided to cut down on the frequency due to them having a "tabloidy" nature, and I can see why someone would consider them to be news as much as Drama Alert would be, but their insight is rather unique and I'd rather not pass that up.


I on occasion refer to the Washington post and even PBS unfortunately both have taken a turn for the worst with the latter promoting a progressive (or regressive depending on who you ask) ideology and even sponsored youtube accounts that spew that nonsense so I don't refer to them as much anymore. 


I am starting to make use of academic journals now in an attempt to gain the best impartial data I can get, especially the peer reviewed ones.

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