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Winter Still "Banned"



So Winter's back and able to post. However he is still marked as "banned" and it's impossible (literally not making a statement) to "like" his posts. Is there perhaps an issue with the ban system after YCM died a bit back? I asked him and he doesn't know so I figured it wasn't a "probation" thing.

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4 answers to this question

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In this instance, he was temporarily suspended and he was placed into the Banned group manually via the ACP. If we manually add to groups, then it won't reverse. The warn system is partially bugged in some cases as a result of said downtime, yes.


(Yeah, we've tried to tell YCMaker about this one, but he isn't here)



As for his posting, same thing; any post moderation/restrictions should've lifted when he got unbanned (or suspended). I'll go ahead and reset him to Night's Watch (his normal group) now that he's unbanned.

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There's a chart of member groups stickied inside the mod forum if any of us needs to reference it, but yeah, that's his group. I know Winter was the one who sent me the points for it, even though Night refunded him later.


But don't worry about moving him to Senior Member though.



Winter, you should be able to post normally now, although just remember what Dad told you earlier.

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