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[Thought Prompt] The Electoral College


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  On 11/14/2016 at 4:54 PM, White said:

Founders set up electoral college to protect the minority against the tyranny of the majority. In this case, CA, NY and IL.


Read Hamilton's piece on it lol, there's a very good reason it exists

It was also set up so they could override the populace if they elect an overwhelmingly unqualified candidate.


I guess it's not doing it's job!

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  On 11/14/2016 at 7:50 PM, Beatrice said:

It wouldn't have done its job either way if that's the case.

Um... exactly?


Once again, even if Trump won popular vote and Hillary won EC, I would maintain that it is a fundamentally flawed system.


I would be laughing my ass off, but I would maintain that it is a fundamentally flawed system.

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  On 11/14/2016 at 8:09 PM, Beatrice said:

Apparently Trump is better than/not as bad as people were panicking about so far. That's the speculation I've heard.


Trump is moving further and further left and his popularity among even the people who despise him, is rising.

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  On 11/14/2016 at 8:09 PM, Beatrice said:

Apparently Trump is better than/not as bad as people were panicking about so far. That's the speculation I've heard.

If what we have seen since the moment Hillary conceded is any indication, that is absolutely true.


I wouldn't say I like him as president, because I have never been fond of him as a public figure in any regard, but he is very quickly dispelling many of my concerns.

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Alright here's the thing. Even if you dislike the decision the American People make...that's kind of the cost of Democracy. If you want a government run by the idea that the people's desire matters you need to

1.) Accept that the people might make some dumbass decisions

2. Debate in such a way to actually change their minds before the voting happens.

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In my opinion, the Electoral College has some concerning flaws. But, we can't have a purely popular vote either. There needs to be a system of some sort called an Electoral College that determines the president.


Until we get a better system, though, the current Electoral College needs to remain.

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  On 11/15/2016 at 1:49 PM, General Heinous said:

In my opinion, the Electoral College has some concerning flaws. But, we can't have a purely popular vote either. There needs to be a system of some sort called an Electoral College that determines the president.


Until we get a better system, though, the current Electoral College needs to remain.

Make the whole nation like maine and nebraska


2 EV for statewide winner, 1 ev for winner of each congressional district 


Ofc under such a system Trump would have still won ...but it's probs more fair

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well, the bopular vote is what ruffles a ton of feathers, so why not add an additional 11 votes to the total count of whomever wins the popular vote? that seems like a nice way to include PV without being the election being ruled only by it. and it helps remove the complaint that somebody won the popular vote, while still reigning in the overall damage to the election caused by letting completely massive states rule over it.


i also have a few more thoughts on how to edit the electoral college overall, but that's a massive post that i'm still working on overall (been working on it for a while), so it'll have to be left out for today.

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A map showing the margin of victory in swing states in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election.
Pale red = Trump victory, less than 2% margin (FL, MI, PA, WI)
Medium red = Trump victory, more than 2% margin (AZ, GA, IA, NC, OH)
Pale blue = Clinton victory, less than 2% margin (CO, MN, NH)
Medium blue = Clinton victory, more than 2% margin (ME, NV, VA
I'd rather have them focus on these states than just focus on out of touch bi-coastal
If you removed the two biggest Trump States and the Two Biggest HRC states, Trump would have a 1.9 Mill lead, the EC was created by the same idea as the senate, to control the tyranny of the majority 
For people wanting the popular vote, IDK how many of you were around for 2000, now imagine recounts for all 50 states, not just FL
FL was 1.9 Trump margin with FL GOP alleging that DWS's district was ballot stuffing 1000's of votes, so make of that what you will
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  On 11/16/2016 at 11:59 PM, Sunshine Jesse said:

What do you even mean when you say out of touch?

For example, NYC and DC elites dismissed the Trump appeal in the Rust Belt


As a /former/ Iowan, you can see the signs of Obama to Trump voters very clearly. There's a reason a state went from +6 Obama to +9 Trump.


But DC/NYC/LA dismiss everyone with buzzwords or "uneducated"


People who voted twice for a man named Hussein aren't suddently racist


We're just flyover country for them, that's why they lost


Also not Centrist at all, there's places like Texas that are unpalatablly Right, and likewise with Cali on the left. That's not healthy for political discussion


The swing states represent every region, so I don't see what the problem is

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