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President Trump: How and Why


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Oddly relevant at the moment, and I've been passing it around here and there. As someone who was a "anyone but Hillary" voter, I agree with a lot of what he's got to say. Particularly in that, were Bernie on the ticket, man, I'd throw trump under so many buses you wouldn't even believe it.

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This is currently my favorite video on the internet.


Literally, I'm currently more concerned about Hillary voters, verbally, professionally, or physically attacking anyone who didn't vote for her for any reason whatsoever than I am about Trump removing the rights of entire subgroups of Americans; that is how ridiculous, illogical, and hypocritical this has become.


​I'm worried about being ostracized by the people I work with for voting third party, being unable to hold any kind of meaningful conversation at all ever, all because everyone is blaming the wrong people for a bad situation, before the situation has proven itself to be bad! I don't have high expectations, but I have high hopes, so shut up and see what happens before you lock yourselves up in your safe room separate from 52% of the population!

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Black votes in Florida:


Obama '12: 1,047,000

Clinton '16: 1,104,000

Change: +57,000


Romney '12: 44,000

Trump '16: 105,000

Change: +61,000


What a racist

Racist doesn't necessarily mean racist against blacks. The racist label on Trump obviously refers more to Hispanics and Muslims, groups which he has specifically come out against in one way or another. To sarcastically say he isn't a racist using black votes as evidence is ignorant.


That isn't to say he is a racist either, mind you. It's to say you've contributed nothing to the conversation with that post.

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Racist doesn't necessarily mean racist against blacks. The racist label on Trump obviously refers more to Hispanics and Muslims, groups which he has specifically come out against in one way or another. To sarcastically say he isn't a racist using black votes as evidence is ignorant.


That isn't to say he is a racist either, mind you. It's to say you've contributed nothing to the conversation with that post.

Mate he improved on Hispanics too from Romney? Turning the tide and actually winning the Cubans.


Islam isn't a race

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Mate he improved on Hispanics too from Romney? Turning the tide and actually winning the Cubans.


Islam isn't a race

Then show the stats for that, Winter! Like I said, your post provided nothing; make posts that DO contribute. You're basically saying "I could have contributed but didn't."


Again, I'm not saying he is or isn't a racist, I'm explaining the point of view of those who do say he is, because you didn't seem to grasp that.


And while Islam isn't a race, it is a group of people which in general consists of a particular ethnicity. So a form of racism can be applied to it. (In truth it is more of a faithism, but that isn't a word, nor is there any real word that can be interchanged with it except simply "discrimination," which I imagine isn't quite specific enough as there are more forms of discrimination than there are of racism.)

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I don't think doing better than Romney is in any way proof of lack of racism.

On that note seriously...people don't (always) vote or not vote for someone solely on how racist or not they are. Someone can think a candidate is racist and still vote for them due to agreeing with certain policies or stances.

In other words that statistic has nothing to do with if Trump is, or is not, racist.



Black votes in Florida:

Obama '12: 1,047,000
Clinton '16: 1,104,000
Change: +57,000

Romney '12: 44,000
Trump '16: 105,000
Change: +61,000

What a racist

So both of them got more votes. Meaning more black voters in general, yes? Now it's likely that Obama would have gotten most of those extra votes but you can't say that for sure.

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Keep doubling down on things like this guys, I'm sure this will win back the rust belt voters

So what's your point? Some people doing shitty things. Which you are gonna group in a vague enveloping term.

Also interesting to note that the "Rape Melania" is facing away from the building. Why would that be? Like it seems to be positioned so that someone could take that picture, yet the guy is looking away....I think? It's hard to tell. The other images seem to be sort of turned so that it could be seen from the direction of the hotel as well.

idk it looks faked not gonna lie.

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