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Can't change Avatar




I know this is a pretty minuscule problem... But, darn it! It is mildly aggravating.


Anyhow, I was trying to change it earlier by Uploading one from the browser then accidentally deleted my old one... I tried everything to salvage the old one, but I kept failing to upload it from browser: by that I mean it doesn't change the image. I tried Importing from Imgur, but it gives me the message of: "Could not save the URL image Specified"


Here is the Imgur URL I tried to use in the off chance if I am being dumb and using it incorrectly: http://imgur.com/a/HreWw

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3 answers to this question

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You are indeed using it incorrectly; you need to use the direct location of the image instead of just the imgur page it's on. So, you'd want to use http://i.imgur.com/LNuLMQg.jpg instead of http://imgur.com/a/HreWw. This seems to be a common mistake among CC members for some reason, but for the future, just right-click your image and choose "Copy Image Location". That's the URL you want.

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