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Post-Halloween Ask Black Anything


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How do you think this event compared to the previous three? I expect bullet points and a proper pro and con list.



I am going to say no to full details?


I feel like it did better than the first two, which were rather vanilla, but not as well as last year, in part due to lasting too long.


The lull in the middle really hurt, but Monster Duels gave a lot of life to last Halloween, in addition to its cast, plus Weirdmageddon served as inspiration for this year.


I think the first year was probably the weakest, as I don't even remember what happened during it. It wasn't well sold, and it seemed like it just was there.


Second year was where it started to really form itself, but, overall, was still plain. Only 2-3 monsters stood out, one of which was seemingly my Dantalion, and I only was able to participate in the first half of the event.



  1. 2015
  2. 2016
  3. 2014
  4. 2013

I main 2 Booby Trap E and 3 Paleozoic Marrella.


I have 1 slot in my deck remaining. Do I main Solemn Warning or Anti-Spell Fragrance?



Depends on what you realistically expect to encounter.

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