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Vivian's Goodbye


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Farewell, dear. *hugs* I hope for the best on whatever you do next. Let us meet again someday.

Aww. How nice of you!♥




Don't worry. I won't leave just yet. We leave at about the same time, right Kriemhild?


I'm just saying my goodbyes while I still can.

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Bye, Vivian. You were the best ghost...or witch? Really, what exactly are you?


Oh well. So long, Vivian.


And it was "spoopy".

Hmm hmm♥



I'm a witch.



Aw... Goodbye... have a Pepsi on your way out!




Thank you. I'll drink this when I get thirsty.






Well then Ms. Vivian, I wish you off a safe trip. Ephemeral as you may be, hugs are still possible?

Totally possible!♥




*hugs Elizabeth*

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