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[RESULTS ARE FINAL] 2016 Election for President of the United States | Donald Trump Victory


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Did you just make a favourable Hitler comparison to try and refute a point?


Because that is not a comparison that should be made in serious discussion - you don't earn points by going 'he can't possibly be worse than the most evil man in modern history'

No, logistics comparison.


It's easier to Kill than deport through the courts humanely.


You can't even kill that many in the time frame given. Ergo, deporting 16 million was always a pipe dream. Deport the criminals and less entrenched people and build a wall to stop any further from entering was the best we could hope for.

"But we want to come up with something fair”

That's pretty much was the stance was always though


As if Hilary could introduce Saudi esque anti gay laws in the US. Or even close to it - she would have to go right of the tea party to do it, and that's not in party interests. The worst she does is just repeal any changes Obama made at a federal level - aka the Republican option.


The friend seeing the emails isn't shock since its the emails. If she violated national security then showing a friend isn't that much of a shock. Her friend having terrorist connections is potentially worrying but it is possible to be friends with terrible people without sharing said views or being influenced by them. It's like saying Hilary shares Trumps policies because they went to each others weddings.


It's like the Trump KKK stuff - assuming that a connection to a given extreme viewpoint means sharing said viewpoint. With Hilary the connection is stronger, with Trump the actual viewpoint was more believable. Both are presumably equally bollocks.


There's just no point going for the route of mudslinging - you point out a fringe link for Hilary, I point out Mike Pence. Someone makes a loose Trump one, point out DWS.


It's just a pointless dick measuring contest to say 'my candidate is less of a terrible option'

Well, I don't recall many people being opposed to bringing up Duke and Pence's problems when they surfaced. It seems like it's only dick measuring when you bring up the skeletons in Hillary's closet





Thoughts on this


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Is that the one about surging Republican vote registration you posted earlier? I read that.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/08/22/the-4-ways-republican-lawmakers-are-warning-of-a-looming-gopocalypse/Thoughts on this?

Does it surprise you that I don't care if that happens? Trumpism is the only future for the GOP. The old Chamber of Commerce approach isn't appealing to either the Dems or the Republican base anymore. We need freshblood in the house and senate. Obv I would prefer if Trumpian candidates were the ones to unseat the current GOP stagnation. But I'd be fine with the Dems for the most part.


Guess I'll just have to deal with them killing babies and letting Syrians storm into the nation. But what're we gonna do? The dems will funk themselves in the ass, and that would push Trumpism in 2020 significantly more, but:




1) No, I don't think Trump will lose this election, so not concerned about that part

2) Well yeah, they've been turning people like Gays, Blacks, and Hispanics into a single voting block when none of those groups should be a single issue demographic. The GOPs mess isn't caused by Trump

3) Good funking riddens

4) funking Please


I'm a Trump leaning Democrat, who dislikes abortion and Daesh...that's about it. I'm not gonna cry a river over the GOP funking themselves




John Podesta, of all messengers. His brother (a Clinton bundler) recently signed up to lobby for a big Russian bank

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It's always been a dick measuring contest, it's just more fun to point and laugh at Pence's insanity (because it's the fun Republican kind of crazy not legitimately crazy). Hillary's skeletons are generally more saddening than funny. It's a double standard but funk it if the Republicans wanted to be taken seriously we'd get serious candidates.


Repub numbers going up is weird. II guess maybe the hyper religious elements dropping from the firefront of the party has something to do with it - since I'd be terrified if the US went even more right

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The gift that just keeps giving








^^ If anything is doom and gloom for the GOP it's honestly this. Born and raised in an asian family, and there's a ton of overlap the GOP could use, but aren't. It's a lost opportunity 




15,000 Newly Discovered Hillary Clinton Emails

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What does page 6 mean?

Page six of the the document they released showing how they did the polling. All of it's by party. Nothing by Gender or Region or other BS


Trump up in Ohio? Better chop some republicans off to make it favorable to Clinton




Here...LA Times is really the only one that doesn't engage in this kinda smoke and mirrors crap. But then again, showing that Trump's black outreach is working and that he's currently polling twice what romney did with Blacks might trigger people

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Page six of the the document they released showing how they did the polling. All of it's by party. Nothing by Gender or Region or other BS


Trump up in Ohio? Better chop some republicans off to make it favorable to Clinton




Here...LA Times is really the only one that doesn't engage in this kinda smoke and mirrors crap. But then again, showing that Trump's black outreach is working and that he's currently polling twice what romney did with Blacks might trigger people


Wait, so is LA Times the one doing it only by party? Who's doing it? It's not clear.

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Quotes are fine.  If they're this big when you copy them, shrink them please.  This is overly large and totally ridiculous.

Sorry, I C/P'd the image.




It's good to see him moderating. Criminals, yeah should be gone. But if a guy has been working for 20-30 years, has kids, no criminal record. I think there can be talks. Empathy doesn't mean weakness. I for one am not against this as long as


1) Wall, can't keep doing this every 4 years needs to end now

2) E-Verify punish companies that hire illegals and make it much harder to hire illegals if not impossible

3) Visa Tracking - no overstaying visas

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Meanwhile, Clinton is about to get shafted for indirectly being apart of the Epi Pen scandal.  And rightfully so.  Too many funking sick people and kids who will struggle with this.  Though, I'm still puttin' a lot of blame on that asswipe Shkreli who decided to raise drug prices by something like 600%.  But I'm willing to bet he's in Clinton's pockets.

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US: Clinton calendars won't be released until after election


Good...she looks more trustworthy now



Meanwhile, Clinton is about to get shafted for indirectly being apart of the Epi Pen scandal.  And rightfully so.  Too many funking sick people and kids who will struggle with this.  Though, I'm still puttin' a lot of blame on that asswipe Shkreli who decided to raise drug prices by something like 600%.  But I'm willing to bet he's in Clinton's pockets.

Please Elaborate 

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He's pulling like 80:20 from Clinton relative to Trump with regards to support. She can't afford to have him make his case. Also this will be the most watched event in American History probs. It's not shocking why they want to keep him down. 


But Johnson's avg is only 8.1, his highest nat poll is 11, his highest state poll is 16 in NM



He won't make it :(




“He went to the E.R. and was denied service,” one of the people, who currently works at the hospital, told the Times. “And then he went to his car and shot himself.”


I hope Trump picks up this Hero's Funeral Bill


funking Travesty  

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It would be better if Trump eliminated family's having to pay the bills of the deceased. Or hospital bills in general because funk that idea.


Mental health treatment is a fairly global problem anyway because of an inherent stigma around it. There should be something other than an ER (The ER turning him away isn't that shocking if he had no visible life threatebing injuries)for people to go to when feeling suicidal, but there is just a lack of people with training to deal with it, on top with generally rising amounts of diagnoses of then.

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It would be better if Trump eliminated family's having to pay the bills of the deceased. Or hospital bills in general because funk that idea.


Mental health treatment is a fairly global problem anyway because of an inherent stigma around it. There should be something other than an ER (The ER turning him away isn't that shocking if he had no visible life threatebing injuries)for people to go to when feeling suicidal, but there is just a lack of people with training to deal with it, on top with generally rising amounts of diagnoses of then.

There's a lot of things Trump can and should do that would easily win him this race. 


Like Dad's suggestion for Black outreach being "this happened because of x, causing, y, and leading to z.  It takes A, b, and c to change it"


Instead of "y leads to z, vote for me"...wish there was some way to talk to the man or the dolts running his campaign and throw away a golden chance, but nope




Scummy, but legal

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