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[RESULTS ARE FINAL] 2016 Election for President of the United States | Donald Trump Victory


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Can we just stop and appreciate the ridiculousness of this election?

It seems that Trump vs Clinton is gonna be the two, most likely.


Meaning this the year our candidates for president are a reality TV star and a woman who was investigated for treason and is the wife of the president that got a blowjob from another woman while in office?


Life is strange indeed.

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You might be the only person I've heard say this tbh


I haven't said it, because I avoid politics talk as much as I can, but I agree with him.


I think Bernie would beat Trump, and I think Trump beats Hilary. Trump is the type of person who digs up dirt on the other person, and if anyone is going to be a good match for him in that, it's Hilary. It's harder for him to do that against Bernie, but the chances of Bernie actually getting the nomination at this point is pretty low.

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The only way I see it happening is if:


1)Trump gets a woman (who's not a joke like Palin) as his VP. A good option, that he likely burned would have been Nikki Haley


2) Outflank Hills on the left with his LGBT (easy), Blacks (hard), and Walfare policies (easy), while pressuring her on the right with the Trimpsters

3) Hills gets indited AFTER Berns loses.



As much as I love Trump it's looking really hard for him. But hey, that's good news for most y'all

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well then


I stand corrected




If Trump is the Republican nominee, 16% of GOP voters say they would choose a third-party candidate, while five percent (5%) would stay home. Sixty-six percent (66%) would vote for Trump, but 10% would vote for Clinton instead (funk the Cruzites)


If Clinton is the Democratic nominee, 11% of Democrats would vote third-party, while three percent (3%) would stay home. Seventy-five percent (75%) would support the nominee, but 11% say they would vote for Trump (guess we found the Bernie Bros)


Among voters not affiliated with either major party, nearly one-third say they would opt out: 21% would choose a candidate other than Trump or Clinton, and 10% would stay home. Trump leads Clinton 38% to 27% among unaffiliated voters.

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*shrugs* he also said he wanted to increase taxes on people like himself



Honestly not sure


He can't do both.  It's either a tax break for people like himself, or a tax increase on people like himself.

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