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Entertain the Salvation Witch ( AMA )

Kriemhild Gretchen

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What powers would that be?



Why to erase all grief, suffering, and despair. I will engulf the world in my Barrier. I will create a Heaven. And as for those who stand in my way? I will erase them from existence. All it takes is a few days. I am a Goddess. My powers are whatever I please!


Im going to ignore that you called me a "human" and instead ask you a question. How old are you?



I honestly do not quite remember. Though my past self was around 14. However... That is old news. That person is gone.



Where's Homu Homu?



...In Hell. Where that traitorous jabroni belongs. I have only just arrived, so I will say this one time. I do not want to hear that name. So tell me, how would you like to die?

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Oh is that all?


You think that's impressive? I fought someone with powers kinda like that before. In that stupid ass tournament. Guess what, I'm still here, he's no where to be found. Wanna know why?






I like you. You've got spunk. Too bad it is about to be splattered all over the street, along with the rest of you...



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You sound just like that crazy old man. Did you read that story or something? I'll give you a few pointers.

One. You look ridiculous. Please, that outfit is so totally tacky.

Two. Show don't tell. Wanna see something? Meet my pet, he'd like a taste.



This big boy literally eats magic for breakfast. Now, my pet, DINNER TIME!


The Skeletal Dragon rears its head and lets out a roar, the noise raspy and rattling, and the room shakes. It takes flight and lets out a stream of blue fire. As it approaches the jabroni-witch the very magic around her begins to burn, and ignite, wherever the breath weapon touches



gdi Morgan this is stupid

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That tickles.



Utopia ruina erupit


אוטופית פרץ חורבה

Utopie platzen Ruine


Sagittae Domini in caelis Inanis!


This little trick of mine will not, and cannot be stopped. They destroy anything, and everything I ask for them to hit. Imagine a countless and endless number of tiny lasers that are not magic-based, but something far beyond that. Now picture them, all hitting you, at once, forever.


The beast falls, and and leaves nothing left.

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Oh, well this is certainly a surprise. Another fellow lady has been invited to the party, albeit the little time left for chitchat. But since you boast so much about your power, I was wondering if you would do me in the honor of a duel. For someone who looks so mighty, I don't believe you won't back off on my request after I have come to see you.

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Oh, well this is certainly a surprise. Another fellow lady has been invited to the party, albeit the little time left for chitchat. But since you boast so much about your power, I was wondering if you would do me in the honor of a duel. For someone who looks so mighty, I don't believe you won't back off on my request after I have come to see you.

Which has reminded me, I must make time to duel you tomorrow, if you please.


As for you kriemhild, aside from family, who was your most important person before entered your current form?

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Oh, well this is certainly a surprise. Another fellow lady has been invited to the party, albeit the little time left for chitchat. But since you boast so much about your power, I was wondering if you would do me in the honor of a duel. For someone who looks so mighty, I don't believe you won't back off on my request after I have come to see you.



As tempting as your offer is, I do not partake in card games. However, you are correct. I sense you have incredible powers. The weed never mentioned card games to me, but if you would rather do battle in a different way... I would be happy to grant your request!



Which has reminded me, I must make time to duel you tomorrow, if you please.


As for you kriemhild, aside from family, who was your most important person before entered your current form?



....She is not worth mentioning. Not after how she betrayed me.

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Why to erase all grief, suffering, and despair. I will engulf the world in my Barrier. I will create a Heaven. And as for those who stand in my way? I will erase them from existence. All it takes is a few days. I am a Goddess. My powers are whatever I please!




I honestly do not quite remember. Though my past self was around 14. However... That is old news. That person is gone.





...In Hell. Where that traitorous b**** belongs. I have only just arrived, so I will say this one time. I do not want to hear that name. So tell me, how would you like to die?




Um.........Is not an option? 

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