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Eidollon of the Fall Wind


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[spoiler=Deck list]


x1 Gem-Knight Garnet

x3 Shaddoll Beast

x3 Spirit of the Fall Wind

x3 Trick Clown

x3 Aleister

x2 Falco



x2 Instant Fusion

x1 Raigeki

x2 Terraforming

x1 Foolish Burial

x3 Eidolon Summoning Magic

x2 Twin Twisters

x3 Brilliant Fusion

x3 Reckless Magic Circle



x1 BTH

x2 Floodgate Trap Hole

x1 Emptiness

x1 Strike

x1 Warning


Extra Deck

x1 Elysion

x2 Merkabah

x1 Seraphinite

x2 Raideen

x1 Windy

x1 Norden

x3 Caligula

x1 Durendal

x1 Castel

x1 Dweller

x1 Raffly



Didn't feel like naming it "Eidolon Shaddolls", "Shaddollon" or whatever, and "Spirit of the Fall Wind" is the gimmick I'm testing here so IMO it deserves to be mentioned in the title. Besides, not even half of the Deck is composed of Shaddoll cards.

Anyway, this is just me tinkering with Shaddolls and Eidolon. After realizing that Summoning Caligula locked any further monster effects after its Summon, especially the graveyard effects of Shaddolls, plus finding it quite lacking on the ATK department if it only focused on Windy and Caligula, I decided to take a different approach with the Trick Clowns.

As you may have noticed, not even a Shaddoll Fusion spell is there, since so far the Eidolon Magics have been enough to get things rolling, and in this deck the Shaddolls practically serve as an engine for Caligulas. However, I have not made any test with a real opponent yet.

And damn, there are many Extra Deck cards I want in there so badly, but the space just isn't enough. Cards in my wishlist are of course Utopia and its Lightning form, maybe Emeral, a Synchro6 for Synchro plays with Falco, specifically Charge Warrior, Shekhinaga, and heck even Wendigo for those cases I'm stuck with a doll and a WIND; a Synchro7 and a 2nd Elysion wouldn't hurt, either. Not to mention at least 1 copy of each Eidolon Beast for disrupting the opponent's grave.

Oh, and the search power of the Eidolon has me amazed; the deck thinning is real. And with Merkabah around you can worry less about the Field Spell of Terraforming ending up dead in your hand.

Also, can't wait for the EARTH Eidolon Beast to make use of dead Garnets, and Raffly and Seraphinite stuck on the field. Hopefully it will have an effect as useful as Raideen or Merkabah.



Thoughts, tips, ideas, suggestions etc. are welcomed.

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