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Shitty Anime Faces


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So, I attended an anime face-drawing workshop thing yesterday at school, and I would like to share the current things I've got out of it.

I hope to continue to update this as I get better.


[spoiler=13/10/16 1st Drawings]


These are what I've got. Not much, but it's better than nothing.

(Face numbers go from left to right.)

Face 1 was me trying to do hair without messing it up horribly and never doing hair again. I think I did alright.

Face 2 was me not having any ideas for this guys hair so I made it look like I shaved it all off. Loving those eyes though.

Face 3 was originally meant to be a blushing girl, but is now a girl in distress since the eyes fit that expression better. Also, you'll notice the giant light bulbs above her head: Those are meant to be pigtails/ side ponytails or whatever you want to call them, I'm just not sure how to connect them to the head.

Face 4 was me going for an Old Gil type of character, but his hair makes him look like a flashier Prof Oak?? I dunno, I like it though. I think I've got frustrated faces down.



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I am curious as to what sort of references you had and what your instructor drew like cuz this doesn't really look anime to be honest.

The instructor was definitely drawing anime. I just took their step-by-step thing and tried to make it work. I guess my style is more webcomic Mob Psycho/ One Punch Man.

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