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Not much time left!


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Not much time left, kiddos! The monsters have all made themselves visible, and soon they will be wreaking havoc!
Of course, a helpful guy like me won't be disappearing without some parting words!
Tell ya what, you guys can ask me any questions about these monsters, now that you have gotten a look at them all, and I will answer any that I don't think the friendly little Daffodil would be on my hypotenuse about!
Step right up for a real expert opinion!

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Who do you think is the most dangerous monster this year?



Dangerous? Why they are all absolutely harmless!




But that Chara sure seems like they know how to have a good time!


I'm seriously curious about the hypotenuse part



Last time I try to confer my form to a three-dimensional being, that's for sure.


First impressions of this year's monster crew? A monster-by-monster answer is most preferred.



Are you kidding? There are like 20 of them. There is no way I am going through that hassle.

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Who do you think will be the easiest to guess the identity of?



It is a close contest, but probably Daffodil!


Are you as disappointed as I am that Pepsi Man is the superhero character of that little game and not the guy in the IRL scenes from said game? Cause he was pretty scary! xD



Despite my unending reserves of knowledge, I have no idea what you are talking about!

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