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[INOV] Spyral Master Plan

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SPYRAL Master Plan

DARK / Spellcaster / Level 7 / 1200 ATK / 2800 DEF

Once per turn: You can add 1 “SPYRAL Master Plan” from your Deck to your hand. If this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard: You can add 1 “SPYRAL Resort” and 1 “SPYRAL” monster from your Deck to your hand, except “SPYRAL Master Plan”. You can only use this effect of “SPYRAL Master Plan” once per turn.

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She actually searches 1 "SPYRAL MISSION" card, not another copy of herself.


Yep, this is really really nice. ATM, I think Big Red is the only way of summoning her, but hopefully that will change.


I like how all the thematics are falling into place.

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>Searches SPYRAL MISSION cards

>Searches SPYRAL Resort




Honestly, what the funk are they even trying to do with this Archetype?


Like, are they just going to throw caution to the wind and print like 1-2 cards at some point that outright break this set, and make it more of a thing rather then a clusterfux of various ideas/etc?

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