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[RATE] Super Soldier Origin

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Ct1jxqVUMAENQ2X.jpgRATE-JP062 超戦士の萌芽 Chou Senshi no Houga (Super Soldier Origin)
Ritual Spell Card
This card can be used to Ritual Summon any “Black Luster Soldier” Ritual Monster. You can only activate “Super Soldier Origin” once per turn. Send monsters from the following locations whose Levels are exactly 8, then Ritual Summon 1 “Black Luster Soldier” Ritual Monster from your hand or Graveyard.
● 1 LIGHT monster from your hand and 1 DARK monster from your Deck
● 1 DARK monster from your hand and 1 LIGHT monster from your Deck




ritual from the grave i like it

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how so?

Thunder Dragon in hand, any copy will get the other (light) to send Djinn Released (dark) from deck

Now we just need a Ritual Monster that isn't awful.

Pref a light or dark one


Chaos might not even need LS or BA if we keep getting amazing stuff like this. This can set up clown, Wyvern and baby chaos

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This is a really fascinating card. While it lacks Pre-Preparation of Rites, it can Ritual Summon from the Graveyard, which helps with the Monster's consitency.


However what makes it cool is the Ritual requirements. First off, it doesn't Tribute, so unfortunately no triggering Hieratic effects from the deck (or Relinkuriboh and Charging Gaia, if you want an in-theme example), and it also can't use monsters from the field, so no NSing Manju to search something and then using it and a Level 4 DARK from the deck as materials.


This leaves us having to use 1+7, 2+6, 3+5 or 4+4 to make it, using one from the hand and one from the Deck. 4+4 is probably the most likely way of doing it, as it allows you to use Beginning Knight and Evening Twilight Knight, Envoy of Chaos (the Kalut for BLS/Gaia), as well as any spare Manjus or something like Performage Trick Clown or Fairy Tail Snow.


As for the other Levels, though, here are some interesting (although probably not good) options to mill:


1+7: DARK LV 1 Level Eater, Djinn Disserere of Rituals LIGHT LV 1 White Stone of Ancients and Legend, Fluffal Wings, Kuribohrn DARK LV 7 Dark Magician, Red-Eyes, Zeta Reticulant LIGHT LV 7 Arkbrave Dragon


2+6: DARK LV 2 Shaddoll Falco, Plaguespreader Zombie LIGHT LV 2 Weather Control DARK LV 6 Stegocyber, Destiny HERO Malicious LIGHT LV 6 Lightpulsar Dragon, UFOroid


3+5 DARK LV 3 Djinn Releaser, Demolisher, Prognosticator of Rituals, Burning Abyss, Archfiend Heiress LIGHT LV 3 Digital Bugs???? DARK LV 5 Darkflare Dragon, Shaddoll Beast LIGHT LV 5 Cyber Dragon, Thunder Dragon


So yeah... stuff. Using this specifically to mill stuff seems worse than simply using Brilliant Fusion, Armageddon Knight and friends, but you're getting a 3000 ATK monster with it so it could be worth it depending on your deck. As for Black Luster Soldier decks themselves, this seems like a great option for them, and I really like how it's trying to make both the Chaos and Ritual aspects work together.

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Actually, the wording on Pre-Prep is weird, and could possibly search BLS, actually. Pre-Prep says: Add 1 Ritual Spell Card from your Deck to your hand, and add 1 Ritual Monster from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand whose name is listed on that Ritual Spell Card.


Technically, BLS is listed on the spell, and unlike Dark Magical Circle, it's not asking 'specifically' for the monster on the ritual spell just for a searchable monster's name to be listed. I'm not sure on how the rulings work, but it might be possible for you to Pre-Prep this and get a BLS despite it saying BLS monster.

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DARK LV 1 Level Eater

Rub it in will you :'(


That being said, the ability to mix Chaos Dragons and be able to set up locks while setting up the Grave is pretty funking amazing. Think the deck could actually have a fair bit of potential now. 


Think of this, Manju+this to send Clown, you'd have a r4nk + BLS on field

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The art for the BLS support in RATE has been so disappointing. Chaos Envoy already looks terrible compared to the likes of the Beginning and Evening Twilight Knights. This card has a lacklustre background to boot, especially as a non-Monster Card. It reminds me of the lazy Cipher Spell/Trap Card arts, although not that bad.

Actually, the wording on Pre-Prep is weird, and could possibly search BLS, actually. Pre-Prep says: Add 1 Ritual Spell Card from your Deck to your hand, and add 1 Ritual Monster from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand whose name is listed on that Ritual Spell Card.
Technically, BLS is listed on the spell, and unlike Dark Magical Circle, it's not asking 'specifically' for the monster on the ritual spell just for a searchable monster's name to be listed. I'm not sure on how the rulings work, but it might be possible for you to Pre-Prep this and get a BLS despite it saying BLS monster.

We've had Super Soldier Ritual for a while now. It's not possible.

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haven't played it yet, now im interested


it so neat that it can Ritual summon from Graveyard and setting up Chaos requirement along the way by tutoring from you deck


its that "Location" wording is new or Org mis-attempt on translation ? if that wording is officially brought up on TCG...oh boy im gonna have some fun on card making

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