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The Phantom Knights and Odd-Eyes Accel [ANIME]

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The Phantom Knights of Possession

Normal Spell


Target 1 Xyz Monster you control; it is treated as having a Level that is equal to the Level of 1 monster on the field.




The Phantom Knights of Wrong Magnet Ring

Normal Trap


When an opponent's monster declares an attack: Discard 1 card with the same name as 1 card in your Graveyard; negate the attack, then Special Summon this card in Attack Position as an Effect Monster (???-Type/???/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF ???). (This card is NOT treated as a Trap Card.) During your Main Phase: You can equip all Equip Cards on the field to this card. You can Tribute this card; draw 1 card for every 2 cards that were equipped to this card.




Odd-Eyes Accel

Normal Spell


This turn, you can Normal Summon 1 "Odd-Eyes" monster without Tributing.

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Is that a battlin boxer in the art of Possession?




Either way, the card would be pretty fun in a deck that needs Xyz Monsters as Xyz Materials.

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Is that a battlin boxer in the art of Possession?




Either way, the card would be pretty fun in a deck that needs Xyz Monsters as Xyz Materials.

Yep, it's Cheat Commissioner (Fittinng because it's Rank 3 so it'd turn into lv3 for PK plays)



Sounds to me like more of a reason to run Rebellion/Raging dragon.dek if this were to get printed (Alongside Cross Xyz).

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No, they were too clumsy anyway.

This one is searchable, as a sidenote. Still, very little use for it.


What got my attention is the Trap card. Why "1" card for every "2" cards equipped to this card? Then again, Anime. But realistically, if it's made as an actual card, 1-per-1 would be just fine.

As for its 1st effect: Not even worth saying anything, imo.

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Is that a battlin boxer in the art of Possession?

When I saw the episode, I was like "What's Cheat Comissioner doing in the art of that card?"


So no-one else here is bothered that the PK card essentially does the same thing as the Xiangke/Xiangsheng duo?

Not really, I didn't think they'd be used in this episode anyway.

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So no-one else here is bothered that the PK card essentially does the same thing as the Xiangke/Xiangsheng duo?

no, because it isn't strictly outclassing them


It has different support pools and is a -1 outright, instead of theoretical +X.


And this is anime only ATM. Pretty standard design shift.

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