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[RATE] Cardian - Gokou

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Cardian – Gokou (Approx TCG Name: Flower Cardian Fivelights)

Level 10 DARK Warrior-Type Synchro Effect Monster

ATK 5000


Synchro Materials: 1 Tuner + 4 or more non-Tuner monsters

(1) Once per turn, during either player’s turn, when an opponent’s Spell/Trap Card is activated: You can negate that activation, and if you do, destroy it.

(2) If a “Flower Cardian” monster you control battles an opponent’s monster, negate that opponent’s monster’s effects during this Battle Phase.

(3) If this Synchro Summoned card is destroyed by battle, or if this Synchro Summoned card in its owner’s control leaves the field by your opponent’s card effect: You can Special Summon 1 “Flower Cardian” Synchro Monster from your Extra Deck, except “Flower Cardian Fivelights”

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0 DEF is kinda weird since it breaks the trend set by the other Synchros, but I'll get past that.


Obviously nothing outside of Cardians can consistently summon it, but they can manage. In return, you get a Shi En with twice the ATK who can silence S39-Lightning.


And if the opponent gets rid of it, you get Ameshikou or Inoshikachou for free. 


Not the best card ever, but I'm glad we got it.

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>5 Level 2s



I'm actually impressed at how much Paleozoics can use this. I know my friend tech Ameshikou because, well, it was hilarious. Inoshikachou they can't run because you need Cardians to take advantage of the grave lock effect; but Gokou? Gokou they can use ready and willingly, and make FULL use of all its effects. Enjoy your new boss!

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This is MUCH BETTER than I expected! That float is AMAZING, and pairing this with Ameshikou (this can be done; I know) will be a very difficult field to break! Auugghhh it's so good I'm so happy

Aren't you scared of Kaijus? I've seen people start to main them in any old deck. However, floating into a 3k Majespecter is still awesome, I'll agree



I'm actually impressed at how much Paleozoics can use this. I know my friend tech Ameshikou because, well, it was hilarious. Inoshikachou they can't run because you need Cardians to take advantage of the grave lock effect; but Gokou? Gokou they can use ready and willingly, and make FULL use of all its effects. Enjoy your new boss!

Yeah I once stalled out a Metalfoes player (who didn't own Ignister) down to 500 LP from 8000 LP over 5 of their turns as they were desperately using the Pendulum effects to deckthin and using Metalfoes Fusion to try and draw into an out. They did Metalfoes Fusion effect for the last time, and finally drew into Gofu, which would set in motion a combo that would kill Lightshower. However, they controlled 2 monsters, and they only had the one Metalfoes S/T left in the deck. They couldn't summon Gofu and lost.

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psychic can drop this mid-late game via power well/soul charge. also, synchro can drop this via soul charge if they have enough LP, or via level eater shenanigans haha winter but they probably have better options.


honestly, the 5K ATK with S/T negation's enough to make me want to drop this somehow in any low level deck, like skull servavts, deskbots, or ojama. 




in skull servants, they can't swarm too well, but if you get unizombie to level 6, or just go unizombie+lady+king+king+king and you can do it. 2 mezuki in in grave, or 2 book of life will net you your king/lady, and wightmare can get you any of them if they're banished one for one and prince would get you any kings from deck if you needed to, in fact, there's a lot of ways to get that field, there's just never been a reason to do it before this since it's inherently weaker than just 2 king and a lady/ tyrant neptune OTK. nowhere near easy though. in deskbots you could literally machine dupe 02 to get the entire thing setup: normal 03, summon 02, machine dupe into the next 2, and either search scales+01, or just summon a dead 01 from grave after dropping the 2 02.


no idea how ojama would do it, but i'd love to see it happen

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