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My Gravekeeper/Sphinx deck ,Needs Improvement..


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Heres my deck,


Monster Cards= 26,


Owl of Luck x1


Charm of Shabti x1


Stealth bird x1




Newdoria x1


Earth bound spirit x1


Jowels of dark demise x1


A cat of ill omen


Swarm of scarabs x1


labyrinth wall x1


Wall shadow x1


chaos necromancer x1


Guardian Sphinx x1


Andro Sphinx x1


Sphinx Teleia x1


Theinen the great Sphinx x1


La jinn mystical genie of the lamp x1


Grave Ohja x1


Cobraman Sakuzy x1


Gravekeepers's Commandant x1


Gravekeepers's Cheif x1


Gravekeepers's Watcher x1


Gravekeepers's Guard x1


Gravekeepers's Spear soldier x1


Gravekeepers's Assailant x1


Gravekeepers's Vassal x1


Spell and Trap cards =24


Spell cards= 12,


Necrovalley x2


Reload x1


Black pendant x1


Nobleman of crossout x1


Royal tribute x1


Tribute to the doomed x1


Poison of the old man x1


Heart of clear water x1


Magical labyrinth x1


Swords of Revealing light x1


Gravekeepers's Servant x1


Trap Cards= 12


Grave lure x1


Thunder of ruler x1


Ordeal of a traveler x1


Rite of spirit x1 (have two in Side Deck though)


Needle wall x1


Labyrinth of Nightmare x1


Gravity bind x1


Pyramid of Light x1


A Feint plan x1


Micro Ray x1


Rising energy x1


Ominous Fortunetelling x1




Theres my deck..please post some Improvements..:P

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