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[RATE] Yokotuner


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Well at the very least you could use it in some Rank 1 build... Oh f***! They have Kinka-Byo... Oh s***! They also have Guiding Light... I guess it allows Resonators or any other Decks that have Level 1 Tuners to make Rank 1 plays if needed? I mean who could hate being able to make Sylvan Princessprite if they had the option?


Another really dumb thought I have at the moment is this:


Ally Mind (Lv 5 Machine Tuner)

Quickdraw Synchron (Lv 5 Machine Tuner)


Special Summon Quickdraw to pitch Ally Mind .

Normal Summon Yokotuner

Special Summon Ally Mind with Yokotuner

Proceed to make Cyber Dragon Infinity


Another thing to note is that Ally Mind can be dumped via Mausoleum of White which also allows you to additionally normal summon Lv 1 Light tuners... Guys I think this gave me a Deck in the making.

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It will be limited to those kinds of decks anyway. It helps get out tuners in your hand that brick and have better grave use such as Jet and Glow. What sucks is that this is a Tuner itself so you can't easily go into things like Formula or Tatsunoko...but with Level Eater and something like Gofu the possibilities are more expansive. 


Probably a hypothetical combo would be:


>BriFu Lazuli and Serpent into Seraphi, add Serpent to hand by Lazuli

>NS Yokotuner & SS Serpent w. Seraphi, Synch into 6 (ex. Charge Warrior)

>Synch 6 + 2 into Crystal Wing


It's a 2 card combo that ends with a Crystal Wing, free NS, and nets back a +1 draw.

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