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Post and I will rant about you


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please note the views expressed in this post are not necessarily those of the author, and a s*** ton of it is exaggerated for the purpose of this thread. Read at your own discretion.


Who are you, again? Aren't you that guy who was convinced that Jinzo+Amplifier belonged in every deck? And basically refused to take any input on how to improve said decks? But hey, now you have moved on to brighter horizons, and seem to play MTG now! Unfortunately, you don't seem to know much at all regarding it. You just use an eldrazi as your avatar and make some shitty CC. And now that I am thinking about it, I think you made some silly predictions about flavor that were shot down pretty quickly. Not much to say here because you are vastly irrelevant.

ah memories.

also eldrazi have the some of the coolest designs in mtg, imo.

saheeli and tez are gonna have some interaction lore wise.


not that i do much to be relevant.

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Why do you like a shitty format so much? Modern is an unbalanced piece of sheet. It is a cancerous format where you are basically forced to play some bullshit like infect or affinity to survive. You talk about why control is shafted, and it is clear that isn't an issue that will be remedied, at least in the foreseeable future. I'm not saying EDH or some sheet like that is a better alternative. You know what? funk constructed. Limited master race. Peace out.


okay it's childish gambino homegirl drop it like the NASDAQ

Who are you? You act like I should know who you are but I am pretty sure I don't.


As if you good lower my self esteem anymore than it is.

As frustrating as it may be, despite how prolific of a member you are, I can't really think of a valid rant. Apologies.



Dammit people I can't rant if I have no idea who the funk you are


Go ahead.

First off, though it is less of a thing now, stop funking asking what anime stuff is from. I am gonna teach you an incredible trick. If you are using google chrome, right click an image, then press ctrl s. If you aren't using chrome, just drag the image from one tab to the other into the google search bar. It's called a reverse image search. It has been a thing for years, and it is ridiculous that you haven't been clued in to it yet. Also, your rant thread is sheet. You are just saying some friendly helpful comments. Do you even know what a rant is? It isn't a difficult concept, man. And then there is your sig... It's... well, it certainly is a sig.



You seem a little bit... bland, I guess. Like, you do a ton of sheet, but that's all. And, for the record, it is funking trivial. Reviewing sheet isn't your duty, it is just silly.


okay sure

It is ridiculous that you aren't banned. Literally every post and status comment from you is trolling, you literally exist to piss people off. The worst part is that reading this will fill you with a funked up sense of accomplishment, because pissing people off is your goal. You very intentionally take stances that put you at odds with people, and state sheet like everyone else is just a funking idiot. Of course, in a shithole like this, that last point applies to about a dozen people anyway. Also, if your name is Jacob, I totally found you on facebook.


Do me as you like.


It's nice to vent once in a while.

Sweet mother of god Risa quit letting yourself get pushed around. You are 30 funking years old, and honestly you are a sheet ton more capable and intelligent than most people here, and honestly there are only 1 or 2 mods who I think have a higher skill ceiling than you. That would normally be a compliment, but the really funked up part is that it isn't. Because, apparently, it doesn't matter for sheet. You just ignore all that sheet and take a backseat whenever you get the chance, when almost invariably sheet would have worked out a hell of a lot better if you were the one in charge. Like, remember that sheet a year ago? I legitimately considered you a friend, and you and darkness just funking cut me out of the decision making process, without even telling me. Now, I know for a fact you aren't bold enough to do something like that of your own volition, and frankly, it doesn't seem out of character for him at all, but what the funk? I'd say I know you fairly well after around 2 years and you aren't really conniving, so that means you just let the whole thing happen. Seriously, what the funk Nai? And then a year and a half ago with all the Sakura bullshit, you were the one who had issues with him, but I was the one who put my neck out there. Step the funk up. You could get some serious sheet done if you stopped hiding under a blanket.





Don't know you well enough to give a sheet, go jabroni at aix some more.



can't think of sheet so hahahaha you get no rant

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First off, though it is less of a thing now, stop funking asking what anime stuff is from. I am gonna teach you an incredible trick. (1) If you are using google chrome, right click an image, then press ctrl s. If you aren't using chrome, just drag the image from one tab to the other into the google search bar. It's called a reverse image search. It has been a thing for years, and it is ridiculous that you haven't been clued in to it yet. Also, your rant thread is sheet. You are just saying some friendly helpful comments. (2) Do you even know what a rant is? It isn't a difficult concept, man. (3) And then there is your sig... It's... well, it certainly is a sig.

1. I try that with Google Images, dragging the images into the  search bar on the Google Images home page. It isn't always accurate.

2. https://www.google.com/#q=define+rant

3. What about my sig? I don't get what you are trying to say about it.

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I dont think there is a reason to bump this. We are not getting our rants. All hope is lost.

Woah there m8e funk the right off mmkay?


I'm damn tired of this sheet I get about not delivering on sheet in here. It is funking misc, do you actually give a sheet? If you do, you are wasting your damn time. And hell, I am actually pretty damn good at delivering. I have returned from absences of well over a month to post in these stupid threads on multiple occasions, hell, I even responded to one like 8 funking months later. That is dedication you bastards can't even comprehend. Dedication to your stupid memes on your stupid forum that honestly I don't even like any more I'm just here for the Halloween event and because I don't have much going on in my life right now. But you funking know that the moment I get something better to do I will be funking gone.


funking furry trash.

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